Or is it all just an act?
By Eugene Robinson
The hysteria over plans for an innocuous Muslim community center in Lower Manhattan -- two blocks from Ground Zero amid an urban hodgepodge of office buildings eateries & strip clubs -- is wildly out of proportion.
When did the loudmouths of the American right become such a bunch of fraidy-cats & professional victims?
It would be laughable if it didnt threaten to do great harm to the global campaign against Islamic terrorism.
It is by now firmly established that the project dubbed Park51 is promoted by a peacenik Muslim cleric whose sermons often sound a bit like the musings of new-age guru Deepak Chopra. It is also undisputed fact that the imam in question
Feisal Abdul Rauf is such a moderate that the U.S. government regularly sends him as an emissary to Muslim countries to preach peace coexistence and dialogue.
Yet right-wing commentators and politicians have twisted themselves in knots to portray the Park51 project as a grievous assault -- and the American people as victims. Victims of what? Raufs sinister plot to despoil the city with a fitness center a swimming pool and -- shudder -- a space for the performing arts?
The whole controversy is ridiculous. Yet conservatives who should know better are doing their best to exploit widespread ignorance about Islam by transforming it into fear and anger.
They imply but dont come right out and say that it was Islam itself that attacked the United States on Sept. 11 2001 rather than an extremist fringe that espouses

what the vast majority of the worlds Muslims consider a perversion of the faith.
They paint Park51 as a victory dance over the hallowed ground where thousands of Americans died -- never mind that there wouldnt even be a sight line between the building and Ground Zero -- and suggest that the project even though it would be run by an imam whos practically a flower child could somehow serve as a recruiting center for terrorists.
Message to anyone who will listen: Youre a victim. Be very afraid.
In the process this anti-mosque pitchfork brigade is surely recruiting terrorists left and right. As Ahmad Moussalli a professor at the American University of Beirut told the Los Angeles Times:
Rejecting this has become like rejecting Islam itself.
All the Islamophobic rhetoric tends to reinforce the jihadists main argument which is that the United States and the West seek to destroy the faith held dear by more than 1 billion souls.
The thing is though that the manufactured brouhaha over the Park51 project is part of a larger pattern in which the far right embraces victimhood and stokes fear. The faction that likes to portray itself as a bunch of John Waynes and mama grizzlies it turns out spends an awful lot of time cowering in the corner and complaining about how beastly everyone else is being.
Witness the frequent eruptions over instances of reverse racism -- real or imagined.
Shirley Sherrod affair was the most recent example of how eagerly the far right wants to sell the false narrative that African Americans once they achieve positions of authority will use their newly acquired power to punish whites for historical discrimination. The facts of the Sherrod case as they finally emerged argue persuasively against this fictional tale of longed-for revenge.
But it will be back.
And look at the hysteria over illegal immigration. Facts dont matter -- for example that the flow of undocumented migrants has decreased or that border enforcement under President Obama is much tougher than under George W. Bush or that illegal

immigrants are not responsible for any kind of crime wave. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) has gone so far as to sound the alarm about alleged
terror babies.
The idea is that undocumented pregnant women would cross the border so that their children could have U.S. citizenship then take the babies away to be raised as terrorists -- who would be able to come back in 20 years or so with legitimate U.S. passports and presumably wreak untold havoc. No I did not make that up.
Is the far right really afraid of its own shadow?
Do these people really have so little faith in our nations strength resilience and values?
I hope this is all just cynical political calculation because there are genuine threats and challenges out there.
Well be better off meeting them with a spine not a whine.