Its Being in favor of Legal Immigration and Leading with That.

width=161Texas Insider Report: WASHINGTON D.C. I fear that the immigration issue is kind of the gateway issue. As long as the Republican immigration message is harsh and unyielding I dont think youre going to get people to listen to you."

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who drew a standing ovation at the Republican width=128National Convention in Tampa Fla. last summer noting she is also optimistic about the partys diversifying voices" including Rubio Jindal & Jeb Bush.

Its not just being opposed to illegal immigration its being in favor of legal immigration and leading with that. Its a more inclusive message."

width=118 Former Republican National Party Chairman Ed Gillespie sending a more inviting signal to Hispanics.

You face the grave danger of an Obama generation of young people who decide that theyre Democrats for the next 40 years" says Newt Gingrich.     People underestimate how big the gap is between how the country has been evolving and the way our leadership and our consultants and our professionals think about politics. Thats part of why virtually all of them who gave a prediction for Election Day were just plain wrong. And that includes me." width=203Newt Gingrich dismissing much of the GOP post-election gestures as lip service recommending Republicans have a much deeper problem than they think. In private conversations with Republicans you hear it" she said. But she warned The people will resonate with a message thats genuine not one that is constructed for electoral purposes" says Rice now a Stanford University professor:.
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