Jobs Arent Created at Job Summits: Look to Texas for Answers

By Peggy Venable Texas Director Americans for Prosperity Foundation peggy-venableThe Obama Administration should look to Texas for ways to create jobs. While jobs arent created at job summits businesses large and small look for certainty in taxation and regulation. Instead the Obama Administration and Congress are considering two of the biggest tax bills in history in the health care reform and the cap and trade legislation. And federal government debt has hit $12 trillion. While Texas has created more jobs than any other state in the country and touts creating more jobs last year than all other states combined and has a rainy day fund of over $8 billion officials in the Obama Administration will be convening a jobs summit. We in Texas could have saved them the effort. Washington officials should look to Texas to see that tort reform lower taxes limiting government growth and debt and common-sense regulations open the door to job creation. Texas is No. 1 in the country for job creation and is the No. 1 state for business relocation. For the first time in history Texas has more Fortune 500 companies than any other state. Texas also is named as the No. 1 state for tort reform. We have good news in Texas which also includes having been named the top state for government spending transparency. So as the jobs summit is convening in Washington D.C. Americans for Prosperity recommends that Congress and the Administration look to Texas for ways to boost job creation and improve the economy. AFP Foundation-Texas has created a website which lists some of the ways Texas is No. 1 in the country. Rather than holding summits Washington officials should look to Texas for ways to create jobs and improve the U.S. economy.
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