Published: 02-25-08
King Renews Call for Joe Tison to Demand his Gambling Supporters to Pull Ads Weatherford - State Representative Phil King (R-Weatherford) again today called on Joe Tison to condemn negative attack ads produced by Democrat operatives and placed by pro-gambling group Texans for Economic Development. Yesterday this group backing Tison was ordered by an Austin judge to halt a similar ad in another race because of potential illegal corporate money used to fund the ads.
“Three times I have personally asked Joe Tison to condemn these negative attack ads funded by Democrats and casino gambling interests and three times he refused” said Phil King. “Yesterday a District Judge ordered this group to stop airing these because of possible illegal corporate contributions used to fund them. I again call on Joe Tison to condemn these ads and demand they stop airing.”
The attack ads launched in King’s district are funded by so-called Texans for Economic Development (TED) a front-group for those pushing for expansion of Las Vegas-style casino gambling in Texas communities. Texans for Economic Development is funded by the LaMantia family of South Texas who provided the plane used by Texas Senate Democrats to flee to New Mexico and avoid voting.
Last week conservative and Republican leaders from across the state and in Parker and Wise counties condemned the infusion of these last-minute attack ads. These ads were produced by Democrat consultants Kelly Fero and Jeff Hewitt who have worked for the Clinton-Gore Presidential Campaign the Texas Democratic Party and the Texas Trial Lawyers Association.