K-9 Legislation Heard in Committee

From Representative Robert R. Alonzo width=65Rep. Alonzo recently authored H.B. 246 an alternate to another bill which would enable each K-9 enforcement vehicle with a heat alarm system to prevent the possible death of police dogs. The heat alarm system would be activated when the temperature inside the vehicle becomes hazardous and would activate an audible alarm as well as automatic ally start the vehicle and its air conditioning system. Changes made from the original bill to this one (the committee substitute) include the change in language from mandatory to permissive by changing the word shall to may the removal of Subsection (c) in order to be consistent with the previous change in language and the shift of Subsection (d) in the original bill to Subsection (c) in the new version. This bill has been reported favorably as substituted by the House and is awaiting a hearing. Bureau for Economic Development and Hispanic Studies A hearing was held on Wednesday for Rep. Alonzos H.B. 186 a bill that would create the Bureau for Economic Development and Hispanic Studies. This agency would attend to the specific needs of Texas growing Hispanic population maximize trade relations between Texas the Republic of Mexico and other Latin American Countries and assume research to encourage the analysis of public policies and policy proposals affecting Hispanics in Texas. Home Foreclosures A public hearing given by the House Committee on Pensions Investments and Financial services was held Thursday morning to discuss the issue of the rising number of home foreclosures in Texas. A number of industry experts were invited and offered relevant testimony on the condition of Texas and how it ranks when compared to the rest of the nation amid this housing market downturn. Topics presented by these experts included foreclosure data consumer representation association representation and financial institutions. Texas Hospitality Association Scholarship Representative Alonzo would like to remind you that the Texas Hospitality Association Scholarship deadline is approaching. A $5000 Educational Scholarship will be awarded to a 2009 High School senior. To be considered the senior must design artwork for a poster as a part of THAs alcohol awareness campaign. The deadline is Friday May 8 2009. For more information visit www.texashospitalityassociation.com. No Cost Summer Institute Focused on Hispanic and Minority Students Seeking a Legal Education The Council on Legal Education Opportunity has created a summer institute focused on Hispanic and minority students seeking a legal education. This program is for any college sophomore that wishes to apply and students accepted will be able to attend at no cost. The CLEO Sophomore Summer Institute aims to provide a jump-start to a legal career for students interested in the profession by providing the preparation skill development and information necessary to do so.  For more information on this program visit  www.cleoscholars.com. The Rising Cost of Tuition Commissioner Raymond A. Paredes spoke to the House Higher Education Committee on Wednesday about tuition and fees at public universities and community colleges. He spoke particularly about the rising cost of tuition at our States public universities how state support is below the national average and how Texas 4-year institutions meet or exceed the national average for tuition--pointing out the University of Texas in specific. If you would like more information about this topic or would like to schedule an interview with Representative Roberto R. Alonzo please call 512-463-0408.
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