Justin Keener joins firm as V. P. & Director of Texas State Govt. Affairs
Published: 10-11-07
Published: 10-11-07

Former Congressman Marty Russo (D-IL) CEO of Cassidy & Associates made today’s announcement that Justin Keener has joined the firm as Vice President & Director of State Government Affairs Texas.
“Justin’s depth of Texas policy and public relations experience will be essential to our success in launching this new component of our business” Russo said. “Capitalizing on these growth opportunities helps us guarantee that our clients continue to receive the expertise and results they have come to expect and rely on.”
Keener recently served as an advisor to Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives Tom Craddick working with House leadership and Members from both parties to advance major legislation by coordinating outreach with media grassroots and third-party organizations. His capitol background also includes experience in the Texas Senate as Communications Director to Senator Florence Shapiro and the State Affairs Committee.
Outside of state government he has provided public affairs counsel to a number of clients including Fortune 500 companies political candidates cities and advocacy associations.
Keener has also served as a vice president with Weber Shandwick in Austin a sister company of Cassidy & Associates. Additionally he previously led Edelman’s public affairs practice in the Southwest. His experience in Texas also includes serving as a program coordinator for the Greater Dallas Crime Commission and working on state and federal infrastructure policy for a government relations firm in Dallas.
About Cassidy & Associates
Cassidy & Associates has consistently ranked among the top government relations firms in Washington by creating opportunities and solving problems throughout more than 30 years of an ever-changing political and legislative environment. Since 1975 Cassidy & Associates has effectively represented clients before the federal government by providing targeted fully-integrated consulting services. Its team of professionals has successfully enabled corporations associations and non-profits to advocate their interests through political legislative and regulatory processes in Washington.