KERA Governors Debate in Dallas

Medina Accepts Invitation to Debate perry-kay-medinaWHARTON TX Wednesday January 6 2010 Debra Medina is a true contender in the Texas Gubernatorial election and KERA has realized the validity of her campaign.   The KERA Gubernatorial debate will air live statewide on Thursday January 14th  from the University of North Texas campus in Denton.  It can be viewed on KERA-TV TXA-21 (KTXA-TV) and heard on KERA-FM. On January 5th KERA extended an invitation to Debra Medina asking that she join Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and Governor Rick Perry on the stage for the Republican Primary Gubernatorial debate.  The Medina campaign has accepted the invitation that the supporters and staff fought so hard to earn.   KERA has made the right decision. Every Texan deserves the right to hear Medinas message of fiscal responsibility limited government and freedom.  Now many more Texans will have the opportunity to make a well informed decision when they vote on March 2nd" said Penny Langford Freeman Medina Campaign Manager.   There was a storm of publicity surrounding the debate invitation. When news arrived that Medina may not be invited to the live debate that will air statewide on January 14th there was a public outcry. The invitations to Perry and Hutchison were publicized on November 20 2009 and the delay of the invitation to Medina caused a firestorm of attention from not just supporters of Medina but average citizens across the state. KERA vowed to review the criteria and send an invitation if the Medina campaign met all the guidelines. Now with the debate only 8 days away Debra Medina can finally announce that shell be taking part.   Weve had an amazing amount of support from all over Texas. My campaign has fought tirelessly to secure this invitation but it wouldnt have been possible without the strength and support of so many volunteers and true Texans. This campaign is rooted in equal justice under the law and based on the ideals set forth in our Constitution. This win proves that Texans will still fight for freedom.  Now we intend to not only win this debate but to win this election" said Medina. shelleyKERA news director Shelly Kofler will be the debate moderator. With so many Texans making noise over Medinas inclusion its safe to say all eyes will be on Medina as she aims to go head to head with not just one but two opponents Gov. Perry and Senator Hutchison.
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