Law Enforcement Update

Child Support Enforcement Brings Hope To Texas Families

Published: 01-03-08

As Attorney General of Texas I am charged with collecting child support for more than one million Texas families. The vast majority of Texas parents provide their kids the resources they need to grow healthy and strong.

In fiscal year 2007 the OAG Child Support program collected a record $2.3 billion surpassing last year’s all-time record by $243 million. In August the National Child Support Enforcement Association named the Child Support Division the nation’s best child support program. We could not have achieved this top honor without help from peace officers across Texas who enforce child support laws.
Collecting child support is about more than providing kids with food clothing and other necessities. Research shows that children whose parents pay child support have fewer behavior problems make better grades and stay in school longer than children who do not receive regular support. In addition studies show that children with two involved and caring parents are more self-confident more likely to exercise self-control and less likely to engage in risky behaviors as teens.

Unfortunately many young Texans never benefit from steady child support payments. Their mothers and fathers have the ability to pay but refuse to fulfill their legal obligations to support their children. After a parent repeatedly fails to pay child support law enforcement may have to get involved. When that happens we are proud to work with you to ensure parents comply with the law.

Child Support Roundups
When other enforcement efforts fail the OAG seeks jail time for delinquent parents who ignore court orders to pay child support. In 2007 the OAG Child Support Division partnered with four local law enforcement agencies to locate and arrest parents who failed to pay court-ordered child support.

In May Sheriff Jim Kaelin and the Nueces County Sheriff’s Department dispatched four two-person teams that located and arrested 16 parents who were delinquent on their child support payments.

In June Sheriff David Gutierrez and Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested 21 local parents who failed to pay court-ordered child support. Law enforcement officers with the Lubbock County District Attorney’s Office; City Marshal’s Office; Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Texas Department of Public Safety; and Lubbock County Constables for Precincts 1 and 4 also participated in the roundup. Sheriff Gutierrez conducted a second child support sweep in December.

Travis County Precinct 5 Constable Bruce Elfant arrested 64 parents in September who were wanted on contempt-of-court charges for failing to pay child support.

In November Tarrant County Precinct 7 Constable Clint Burgess and fellow Tarrant County constables arrested 36 local parents delinquent on their child support payments including one man who owed more than $69000 in court-ordered child support.

Most Wanted Child Support Evaders
When court-ordered delinquent support exceeds $5000 and an arrest warrant has been issued a parent may be placed on our “Most Wanted Child Support Evader” list. Evaders are singled out because they have the ability to pay for their children’s care but refuse to do so. Incarceration is the only option for parents who flagrantly violate the law.

In 2007 deputy constables with Travis County Constable Bruce Elfant’s office located and arrested Most Wanted Child Support Evader Edwin Jacobson who had failed to pay more than $24000 for his son’s care.

To obtain additional information about the Evader program including an 11x17 color poster of the Attorney General’s Top Ten Most Wanted Child Support Evaders visit our Web site at or call (800) 252-8011.

Criminal Nonsupport
As you know child support is not just a civil matter. Under Texas law parents who intentionally or knowingly fail to provide court-ordered support for their child commit a state jail felony. Prosecuting parents for criminal nonsupport holds them accountable and brings justice to the children they are neglecting.

To pursue and win these cases we need the local prosecutor’s help and cooperation. We are deeply grateful for excellent working relationships with district attorneys across Texas who are committed to Texas children.

The ongoing success of the OAG Child Support program depends on collaborative efforts with law enforcement officers county and district attorneys as well as local prosecutors who assist us in getting children the resources they need to grow healthy and strong. Together we will continue bringing hope to Texas families.
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