Published: 05-23-07

SB No. 168 by Ellis Rodney - Sponsor: Flores
Relating to the State Bar of Texas fee to provide legal services to the indigent
Effective: immediately
SB No. 500 by Hegar - Sponsor: Zerwas
Relating to the establishment of a tow truck rotation list in certain counties; providing a penalty.
Effective: September 1 2007
Relating to delivery of certain unclaimed money to a rural scholarship fund
Effective: September 1 2007
SB No. 1107 by Watson - Sponsor: Naishtat
Relating to the powers and duties of the Travis County Healthcare District
Effective: September 1 2007
SB No. 1306 by Wentworth - Sponsor: Goolsby
Relating to the attendance by a quorum of a governmental body at certain events under the open meetings law
Effective: immediately
SB No. 1430 by Van de Putte - Sponsor: Puente
Relating to designation of certain customer bill payment assistance program costs as an expense of operation that is a first lien against revenue securing certain public securities or obligations
Effective: immediately
SB No. 1463 by Seliger - Sponsor: Swinford
Relating to the authority of certain counties to impose a hotel occupancy tax
Effective: immediately
SB No. 1673 by Averitt - Sponsor: Bonnen
Relating to the period after which a preconstruction permit issued or renewed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality under the Texas Clean Air Act is subject to review.
Effective: immediately
SB No. 1836 by Jackson Mike - Sponsor: Eiland
Relating to the management and control of certain port improvements and facilities
Effective: September 1 2007
SB No. 1977 by Janek - Sponsor: Olivo
Relating to the creation of Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 189; providing authority to impose taxes and issue bonds; granting the power of eminent domain.
Effective: immediately
For a complete listing of all legislation signed by the governor please visit