By Commissioner Elizabeth Ames Jones
Once again our fundamental right to keep and bear arms is under attack by those who believe the Constitution is a living document open for interpretation and abuse at the whim of any level of government.
On March 2nd the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments in McDonald vs. City of Chicago Docket No. 08-1521. At issue is whether state and local gun-control ordinances can restrict the right of the people to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
The outcome is important because the Courts finding in McDonald could help protect gun rights in America against the efforts of some state and local governments to infringe upon the basic rights and liberties of gun owners in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.
As a practical matter the decision could lead to the reinvigoration of constitutional law in general concerning various other important liberties and government limitations that courts and Congress have long neglected and ignored.
I firmly believe that the constitutional right of American citizens to keep and bear arms cannot be taken away by any level of government. While many Texans including me love to hunt and shoot make no mistake about it; this is about more than hunting sport shooting or even self-protection from criminals.
This is about the fundamental right of our citizens to keep and bear personal arms for protection from tyranny and oppression from any quarter. Our founding fathers recognized the importance of an individually armed civilian citizenry and that has not changed since the birth of our nation.
To that end I will never support any nominee for the Supreme Court or any other level of government who would place any restriction on law-abiding Americans to own firearms. I will oppose any legislation to further restrict the right to keep and bear arms and I will work to overturn all legislation that infringes on that right.
I created a short video so that my views are crystal clear. I hope you will take a minute to watch and please feel free to share it with your friends.
You can view it by
clicking here!
With your support and your vote I will be your next United States Senator and I will continue to be a proactive and strong voice in the defense of Americans Constitutional right to keep and bear arms!
Thank you for all you do for our state. God Bless you and Texas too.