Liberal Lies Con-Man Conservatives Your Money

Michael Quinn Sullivan
Published: 02-22-08

“They say the world has become too complex for simple answers. They are wrong. There are no easy answers but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.” – Ronald Wilson Reagan

How do you know when a liberal is lying? Because he’s promising to do the will of the people. History is littered with despots tyrants and those who wanted to be all claiming to be men of the people doing their will. Which people? The ones he isn’t oppressing right then.

In our modern minds we denigrate the notion of anything being absolutely true. But there are real solid truths and foundational principles that must be defended even in vain. Majorities can sometimes make a thing legal but they cannot make a wrong thing right.

For Sale Or Whatever
Take the case of Joe Tison. He’s the former mayor of Weatherford who is now working to unseat taxpayer champion Phil King as state representative. According to the Fort Worth Star Telegram Mr. Tison said “he would consider changing his position on any issue if he believed that a majority of his constituents felt differently.” In short Joe Tison believes in nothing. Or everything. Whatever. Need some puppies kicked or kittens slapped? Joe’s your man.

He’s signaled that he’s for sale to whoever can produce a poll that might be read as justifying any position. He might as well advertise “Whatever I’ve told you whatever you think you’re voting for I’ll sell you out in a heartbeat and I’ll justify it with some poll that a lobbyist will throw together on a cocktail napkin.”

The problem for Joe Tison is that he has a record of action. As mayor of Weatherford he proposed massive tax hikes he proposed increased spending he raised electric prices he raised water rates he even made it more expensive to get garbage collected.

Maybe Joe Tison thinks it’s a modern virtue to be devoid of principles of morals of critical thinking. Or maybe he’s a crafty Charlie Geren/Delwin Jones-style politician who’ll campaign as conservatives back home legislate like a liberal in Austin and when caught between words and deeds make the claim that he’s are ‘just representin’ the district.’ And they’ve got the bozo-lobbyists and left-tilting consultants to “prove” anything.

Haggerty The Benevolent
And then there’s El Paso’s State Representative Pat Haggerty. He told the El Paso Times this week that “Everything I have voted on has been good for El Paso.

So it was good for El Paso to let left-wingers to go on a spending spree with the taxpayers’ money? Because that’s how he voted when it came to the budget. It was good for El Paso to levy a tax on nursing home residents? Apparently. It was good for El Paso to unravel welfare reforms and make the Children’s Health Insurance Program open to fraud and abuse? That’s what he said.

Pat Haggerty is widely viewed as one of the least effective legislators and certainly one of the most liberal Republicans. The good folks in El Paso deserve someone better.

Miller’s Pile
What is it about former mayors running in Republican primaries but are funded by the liberals? New Braunfels former mayor Doug Miller this week dropped a bucket of lies about State Rep. Nathan Macias. Miller dropped a mailer accusing Macias of voting with liberals on illegal immigration. The problem is that Miller got it wrong; Macias’ vote against the bill Miller cites was joined by a veritable who’s who of conservatives in the Texas House. If all the conservatives were against the bill that Miller says he was for that says a lot more about Miller than it does Mr. Macias.

Apparently Mr. Miller is just looking to be a toady for disgraced former legislator Carter Casteel the left-tilting “Republican” that Mr. Macias defeated in 2006. She has spent the last year fundraising for liberals. When Mr. Miller talks you can almost not even see Carter’s lips moving.

Your Money Working Against You
The City of Denton recently renewed their contract with Austin lobby-firm HillCo. Heady stuff eh?

Well the Denton Record Chronicle notes that the new contract costs city taxpayers $81000. But it’s money well spent the newspaper merrily reports because the firm “helped Denton with a variety of key issues in 2007 including fighting stricter limits on tax revenue a city can collect and on how much a property can increase in value each year.” The Denton City Council will next year ask HillCo to simply bill taxpayers directly for the pleasure of being lobbied against with their own money.

Who is your city pay to lobby against your interests?

Early voting continues through Feb. 29. The primary is March 4.

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