Local Educator Brings Experiences From Republican Leaders Conference Home

nea2WASHINGTONChris Tullis a leader on local education issues returned home this week after attending the national NEA Republican Leaders Conference in Washington D.C. Chris Tullis was one of more than 100 members of the National Education Association who took part in three days of skills training and networking.  The debate was intense.  Nothing was left off the table when it came to issues involving Public Schools.  What became apparent to me was that the problem is not the teacher or the student but the political and social chaos surrounding the schools.   Educators have been side-lined is this debate for too long.  I applaud the NEA in empowering our voices." The NEA Republican Leaders Conference builds on NEAs efforts over the past three years to engage its 1 million members who identify as Republicans and assist them in advocating for public education.  The NEA has consistently increased its outreach to Republican NEA members including conducting focus groups and developing manuals to help them become more involved in the political process and their local and state Republican parties.  As part of the week of training Chris Tullis visited Republican members of Congress in the hopes of beginning a dialogue and identifying areas of mutual interest for possible future collaboration. This year NEA members heard from the countrys top leaders in education and politics including Michael Steele RNC chairman; Tom Davis chairman of the Republican Main Street Partnership; Amy Walter Hotline; and Dennis Van Roekel NEA president.
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