By Ken Mercer

The major editorial boards of Texas lied and that lie defines the type of print media bias that borders on political corruption. --Ken Mercer Member-Texas State Board of Education
On March 18 2010 the major newspaper editorial boards began claiming the conservatives on the Texas State Board of Education excluded Thomas Jefferson from the history curriculum to be used in Texas public schools.
That was a lie.
On March 19 SBOE Chair Gail Lowes (R - Lampasas) official rebuttal was distributed statewide by the Texas Education Agency. She clearly outlined proof that the new social studies framework did not remove Thomas Jefferson from any place in the current standards.
Lowe strongly emphasized: Apart from Thomas Jefferson the only historical figure with more emphasis in the Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills standards is George Washington.
That factual rebuttal was largely ignored with no apologies printed by the editorial boards of Texas. Instead a nationwide media propaganda campaign was ignited to repeat the lie.
The following misinformation was spread by this editorial in the San Antonio Express-News (3.20.10):
Charged with developing standards for the social studies curriculum that will guide public schools in the Lone Star State for the next decade they have written Jefferson out of history.
Again this was a total lie.
Middle school journalism teaches students to check both the source and the facts. In their March editorials the various editorial boards across the nation did neither. They published biased editorials in various newspapers from coast to coast that sounded as if they had come out of the same playbook even though the first official version of the new Texas Social Studies standards was not even published until April 16.
The national media feeding off the liberal Texas media also began to spread lies about the deletion of Thomas Jefferson.
The agenda of the liberal press is to try to fend off the conservative tsunami that is growing in our country. The Tea Party movement has created a patriotic wave. The liberals including their faithful handmaiden the liberal press are running scared.
Not only did the state and national media spread the lies; but Bill White candidate for Texas Governor also jumped on the bandwagon of lies.
I would suggest that Bill White read the standards for himself before making false and foolish allegations. The Social Studies TEKS are posted for the public to see at: .
The truth is that the new standards require elementary middle school and high school students to study our Founding Fathers and to understand their contributions to American history and government.
Fifth-grade students will study Thomas Jefferson and his contributions during the American Revolution.
Eighth-grade students will be learning about the history of the United States from the early Colonial Period through Reconstruction including the study of Thomas Jefferson and the contributions he made to our nation.
High school students who take U.S. Government will identify significant individuals in the field of government and politics and will also study Thomas Jefferson.
The media well aware of the lie now is trying to reframe the debate with a bizarre claim that Jefferson was completely removed as a major philosopher and political figure during the American Revolution.
The standards for U.S. Government require that students identify the contributions of the political philosophies of the Founding Fathers on the development of our Constitution and government. Included in that list of patriotic heroes is the author of our Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson; and that course is required for high-school graduation in Texas.
Chairman Lowe concluded her statement to the media in her March article: To say the State Board of Education has excluded Thomas Jefferson from the curriculum framework is irresponsible and untruthful.
I will go one step further. The major editorial boards of Texas lied and that lie defines the type of print media bias that borders on political corruption.