Make Sure Your Pink Donation Ends Up in the Right Hands

BBB Advice on Supporting Breast Cancer Charities using Cause Marketing bbbAustin TX This month marks the 25th anniversary of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and many businesses and charities are marketing pink" products and services to support breast cancer charity groups. In order to make sure donations go to the right place BBB advises consumers to research pink product claims before making a purchase.   Its exciting that so many businesses are supporting breast cancer research with pink products" said Carrie A. Hurt President and CEO of BBB serving Central Coastal and Southwest Texas. Consumers need to ask questions and make sure they understand exactly how their purchases will benefit the cause." Cause marketing campaigns involve cooperative efforts between a for-profit business and a non-profit organization for mutual benefit. In the case of many pink products a portion of the sale price goes to the charity the business is supporting. While the majority of these efforts are trustworthy consumers should take the following steps to double check their efforts will go where they are needed: Ask questions. Find out what percentage of the sale price will be donated to which charity and how the funds will be used. Research the charity through BBBs Web Site. Learn more about the organization by reviewing BBBs charity report online at Youll find important information about the recipient charity and how donations are used. Confirm the charitys corporate partners. Many national breast cancer charities list corporate partners and sponsors on their Web site. Check to make sure the business you are purchasing from is associated with the charity. Consider a direct donation. Find a charity you trust and make a donation directly.  If you donate online be sure to print the confirmation page for your records many donations are tax-deductible. For more information on donating to charities visit BBBs Wise Giving Alliance at and to check the reliability of a company visit
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