Manufacturing Consortium and Navarro College Get a $236772 Job-Training Grant

Texas Workforce Commission
Published: 08-01-07

AUSTIN — The North Central area workforce will benefit from a $236772 job-training grant from the Skills Development Fund that the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) administers. A five-member manufacturing consortium will partner with Navarro College for the grant.

The grant will be used to create or upgrade 305 industrial electrician warehouse operator welder and data processor jobs among others. Upon completion of training workers will earn an average hourly wage of $18.14. The five-member manufacturing consortium includes James Hardie Building Products Sherwin-Williams Chaparral Steel Walgreens Distribution Center and AEP. 
“Manufacturing jobs are always in high demand making this grant a vital part of bettering our workforce” state Sen. Kip Averitt said. “Thanks to this Skills Development grant more than 300 workers will have the opportunity for a better education and a well paid job.”

“The Skills Development Fund provides opportunities for workers to improve their skills and education and helps create a stronger workforce” state Rep. Jim Pitts said. “I appreciate all the hard work put forth by partners Navarro College TWC and the five-member manufacturing consortium involved in this grant.”

“The partnership of private enterprise and public education has been a powerful force in economic development in Texas” said TWC Chair and Commissioner Diane Rath. “This Skills Development Fund grant continues those efforts and we are all indebted to the Governor and the Legislature for their continued support of customized training that benefits both employers and workers.”

In Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 Skills Development Fund grants created or upgraded 14090 jobs which paid an average hourly wage of $19.22. These grants assisted 125 Texas employers with their customized training needs. The Legislature has appropriated $50 million to the Skills Development Fund for the 2008-09 biennium. Employers seeking more information about the Skills Development Fund may visit the TWC Web site at

Navarro College contact: Chris Grams at (972) 937-7612 or

The Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency dedicated to helping Texas employers workers and communities prosper economically. For details on TWC and the services it offers in unison with its network of local workforce development boards call (512) 463-8556 or visit
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