Mayor Leppert Dallas City Hall Push Use of Taxpayer Funds to Build City-Owned Hotel

By D. Greer Empower Texas Decision Heads To The Polls May 9th width=65width=75On May 9th Dallas taxpayers will decide the fate of the Citys involvement in the construction of a convention center hotel. The Dallas Morning News reports that opponents of the Dallas Convention Center hotel are winning but there are several grow government organizations trying to change that and burden taxpayers with another boondoggle. The fight over this hotel has been a nasty one but ad hominem political tactics aside this is a bad use of taxpayer dollars and therefore the measure stopping it needs to be passed. With passage of the proposition Dallas City Hall will be banned from owning the $500 million-plus convention hotel. This project could not come at a worse time. Our nation is in the midst of a severe economic downturn and while most citizens are wisely cutting back Dallas city hall led by Mayor Leppert are foolishly undertaking a task that will not benefit taxpayers. Dallas governmental entities have been hemorrhaging money. From DART to DISD to the appalling practice of taxpayer funded lobbying the areas government is a good example of why more transparency is badly needed in local government and why Dallas officials should not be entrusted with the added responsibility of a convention center hotel. Yet given these various betrayals of public trust Dallas City Hall Mayor Leppert and his anti-taxpayer groups are doing their best to push this measure through. It is vitally important when given the opportunity to vote against such government waste that we take full advantage. Vote for Proposition 1!
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