McAllen Proves Government Run Health Care Doesnt Work

lauraelizabethmoralesBy Laura Elizabeth Morales President Barack Obama recently tried to make an example out of McAllen to push through measures to create a socialized health care scheme in the United States.  Obama has said McAllen is an example of what not to do. Washington politicians seem disappointed by Texas success and keep trying to find ways to tax Texans out of prosperity force private companies out of business and create poorly run expensive Washington style programs in their place.  The best example of this is the current debate over costs of health care in McAllen. Atul Gawande happily wrote in the New Yorker about McAllens per capita income just twelve thousand dollars.  He relished in quoting Pres. Obama The greatest threat to Americas fiscal health is not Social Security.  Its not the investments that weve made to rescue our economy during this crisis. By a wide margin the biggest threat to our nations balance sheet is the skyrocketing cost of health care. Its not even close." Yet Gawande failed to portray the other side of the story.  McAllens health care conundrum" is a prime example of why government run programs like Medicare actually cause health care costs to increase and it all has to do with crippling the free market. If the government guarantees health care to people costs have to skyrocket. When someone else is footing the bill for health-care costs consumers demand medical services without having to consider their real price. The artificially inflated demand this creates sends expenditures soaring out of control. It is irrelevant whether the government finances this spending spree directly as it does with traditional Medicare or indirectly as with Medicare Advantage. In the end the results are the same" said Yaron Brook Executive Director of the Ayn Rand Institute in 2008. A recent article in the New Yorker for example showed how McAllen Texas is spending twice as much as El Paso County - not because people in McAllen are sicker and not because they are getting better care. They are simply using more treatments - treatments they dont really need; treatments that in some cases can actually do people harm by raising the risk of infection or medical error" Obama said in a Townhall meeting. President Obama and Washington want to make you believe that McAllen is an example as to why the country needs government run medicine but in reality they are proving the exact opposite: government run programs hurt prosperity by crippling the free market. Democrat proposals are going to cost much more than they will admit. Havent we seen this somewhere before? Medicare costs are much higher than published with a debt of $38 trillion and fiscal collapse looming by 2018. Now President Obama wants to add another entitlement program" said Frank S. Rosenbloom MD in an article with the American Thinker. Though well-intended with the goal of achieving greater health equity consumer protection cost-efficiency and effectiveness of care measures that expand government influence often achieve the opposite. Further this path can also lead to harms that reach beyond the realm of economics or even that of health" according to the CATO Institute. Conversely it is free market solutions that will fix the problem. In a free-market system competition and ones own personal stake motivate people to do their best. In this process the winners create wealth jobs and new investment while others go back to the drawing board better prepared to try again" wrote Governors Rick Perry of Texas and Mark Sanford of South Carolina in a letter to the Wall Street Journal in 2008.
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