McCaul on Healthcare & Solar Technology Roadmap

From Congressman Michael McCaul mccaul4Healthcare Update There was little movement on healthcare legislation in Washington last week.  Senate Democrats continued meeting behind closed doors without Republican input in an attempt to reach a compromise between House and Senate legislation.  It has been speculated that Democrats could introduce legislation in the House including a government-run healthcare option next week with a vote before the Veterans Day recess the second week in November.  If a government-run healthcare option is included in either of the House or Senate healthcare bills it is estimated that approximately 114 million Americans could lose their current coverage.  I will continue to stand up for you in the House and remain steadfast in opposing any plan that will result in a government takeover of healthcare.  The Republican alternative H.R. 3218 which I have co-sponsored will provide more people with the opportunity for coverage wont deny coverage because of pre-existing conditions and will address tort reform. Solar Technology Roadmap Act This week the House passed the Solar Technology Roadmap Act.  This legislation of which I am the lead Republican sponsor is a significant step toward positioning the United States as the worlds largest market for solar energy production.  The bill increases research and development funding allowing us to vastly expand the commercialization of our solar industry and create more jobs in America.  Further it provides the collaboration between academia the Department of Energy and the private sector that researchers need so they can find ways to effectively harness the suns energy. I support a comprehensive all of the above" energy strategy that embraces both alternative and conventional energy without imposing a national energy tax such as oilCap and Trade which I voted against.  The reality is until alternative energy can meet large-scale demands our nation will remain dependent on fossil fuels.  Development of solar wind nuclear and clean coal technologies in addition to increased domestic production of oil and natural gas is the best way to wean ourselves off foreign oil and achieve energy independence.
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