Write it in private withhold it until the last moment and then rush it through before people know too much

WASHINGTON U.S. Rep. Joe Barton R-Ennis/Arlington and ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee made the following statement today after House Democrats released another version of their government-run health care bill:
Today Speaker Pelosi introduced another government-run health care plan which is supposed to improve the government run health plan that has already been rejected by millions of Americans hundreds of thousands of which reside in Texas. All I see in this massive 1990 page bill is more government. It will give Washington the power to dictate what insurance you get which doctors you can see and how much you will have to pay.
We should not tear down what works; instead we should fix what doesnt work like containing health care costs so American families do not have to worry about whether they can afford insurance next year. And we must implement policies to ensure that every American regardless of pre-existing conditions or high health costs can find affordable health care coverage.
However it looks like the only lesson Democrats have learned from the August town hall meetings was that if the American people know whats in the bill they probably wont like it. So the practical application of the lessons learned is this: Write it in private withhold it until the last moment and then rush it through before people know too much.
You have to use several reams of paper to print out this nearly 2000 page bill but if you ask me the only ones getting reamed are the American people."
Mr. Barton also spoke at the Republican Leadership Press Conference on Thursday. You can view his remarks by visiting