Memorial Day for Remembering All Who Died

By Jerry Patterson Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office
Published: 05-25-07

With five generations of my family serving in time of war including my son who is currently a Marine attack helicopter pilot scheduled to return to Iraq Memorial Day has a deep significance for me.  On this day we will stop pray for and remember those warriors who lost their lives in service to their country.

For me ? and millions of veterans and their families ? it’s more than a day at the park a chance to sell toasters or another day off from work.
Enjoy the holiday but remember its purpose is to honor the sacrifice made by so many to protect the freedoms that are too often taken for granted.

Not all men who died for their country chose their path — this does not diminish their sacrifice.  Conscripted soldiers have died in every war — from the War Between the States to Vietnam.  Their sacrifice is not measured by whether or not they volunteered.

The honor we bestow on Memorial Day is meant for all those who gave their lives in defense of our freedoms regardless of their path to service.  The Vietnam Wall is filled with names of reluctant participants who are heroes and they are to be honored.

It was during the Vietnam War that many Americans questioned our participation in a conflict that seemed to some to have nothing to do with preserving our freedoms.  As a Vietnam Veteran I harbor no animosity toward those who disagreed with the war — there was plenty to disagree about.

The same rule applies today. Those who oppose the war are guaranteed by our Constitution that their opinions will be heard. 

However we cannot allow opinion or political grandstanding to overshadow the realities of the war or our Armed Forces.  Those who advocate an unrealistic troop withdrawal are not dealing with reality. 

Such a hasty withdrawal would place our servicemen and women at greater risk. To say nothing of the calamitous effect such a withdrawal would have upon the morale of our Armed Forces. 

Yes it may be unpopular to stay the course in Iraq.  But the ability to withstand withering public opposition in defense of what one knows to be right is the definition of leadership.

Americans must place a higher standard on those who seek public office including the ability to defend unpopular decisions and in so doing show moral leadership worthy of the public trust.

This Memorial Day as we remember all those who died for this country — voluntarily or not — let us recommit ourselves to electing leaders whose actions will honor rather than diminish their sacrifice.

Jerry Patterson is a former state senator Vietnam Veteran and retired Marine Lt. Colonel.
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