Military Wont Take Graham at Faith Value

Tony Perkins Washington Upadate width=83Almost nine years after 9-11 the Pentagon is the site of a new attack--this time on religious freedom. After a few days of speculation the military advanced its policy of political correctness to bar Rev. Franklin Graham son of the evangelist Billy Graham from speaking at the Pentagons National Day of Prayer event. Apparently an outside group had complained about Grahams statements about Islam and the evil perpetrated under its banner. Their concerns were fueled by his unapologetic view that only Jesus is the way the truth and the life. As political correctness envelops the nation under this administrations watchful eye Christianity is being tossed from the public square. Military spokesman Col. Tom Collins tried to defend the decision by saying Were an all-inclusive military. But to be inclusive as the Pentagon defines it is to exclude Christianity. Contrary to what Col. Collins says this has nothing to do with tolerance and everything to do with the militarys new hostility toward the Gospel. Franklin Graham is a man of courage and integrity whose biblical beliefs should not preclude him from sharing the message of Jesus Christ. Under President Obama were witnessing the First Amendment designed to protect the religious exercise of Americans retooled into a sword designed to sever Americas ties with orthodox Christianity. As believers we cannot sit idly by and watch our freedoms be swept away. When I was disinvited from a prayer luncheon at Andrews Air Force base it was because I made comments supporting the law banning gays from the military. Some dismissed that as a result of my involvement in public policy. Rev. Graham whose ministry has served to the physical and spiritual needs of millions of people (including Muslims!) around the globe was making some key distinctions between Christianity and the religion that flew radicals into the Pentagon. So to those Christian leaders who say they want to avoid the controversy of political issues and just preach the Gospel wake up! Its the Gospel thats at the heart of the controversy--and the freedom to preach it thats at stake!
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