More Taxes for Texas

U.S. Congressman John Culberson john-culbersonAlthough millions of Americans have expressed their strong opposition to the cap and trade bill passed by the House in July we have seen no slowdown in the effort to get a cap and trade bill to the presidents desk. This week Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and John Kerry (D-MA) introduced a cap and trade bill entitled The Clean Jobs and America Power Act." The Boxer-Kerry Bill is based on the premise that taxing polluters is an effective way to reduce carbon emissions but studies have shown the staggering costs of a cap and trade program will stifle our domestic energy and manufacturing sectors and raise electricity rates on consumers.  The cap and trade plan should really be called the light switch tax" because if this bill becomes law you will pay a tax every time you flip your light switch.   Recently President Obamas own Treasury Department admitted that this policy will result in major rate increases for consumers. Treasurys analysis obtained by CBS News through the Freedom of Information Act shows cap and trade would result in $100 billion to $200 billion a year in new taxes.  Treasury also estimates the cost per household would be $1761 a year while American families are struggling to make ends meet. As the epicenter of Americas oil and gas industry Houstons economy is particularly vulnerable to these dangerous bills.  A study from the Texas Comptrollers office estimates that within the first year of their enactment 2012 there could be 135000 to 277000 fewer jobs for hard-working Texans.  The federal government has already intruded in our lives far beyond what our Founding Fathers envisioned when they laid the foundation for this republic with the adoption of our Constitution.  The governments steady advance into our lives continues with the Boxer-Kerry Bill which makes the government the official arbiter of our energy options.  Americans deserve a well-balanced approach to energy production which is why I am a co-sponsor of H.R. 2828 the American Energy Innovation Act. This fiscally responsible approach encourages innovation by investing in renewable energy technology promotes conservation by providing incentives for reducing energy demand and increases production of American energy by utilizing available resources and streamlining burdensome regulations. These steps will make America energy self-sufficient and improve our environment in the process.
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