By Jessoca Meyers / The Dallas Morning News

At a time when Facebook and iPad are the rage and information updates with a click some policymakers are trying to take textbooks off the shelf and onto the Internet.
Electronic textbooks are imperative advocates say because they offer inexpensive interactive lessons that engage todays tech-savvy student and keep content fresh. Opponents worry that more free-flowing material will affect quality and remain unavailable to poorer students without computers.
Texas could help lead a textbook transformation if Gov. Rick Perrys recent proposal to abandon traditional texts takes hold. He already has support in the Legislature which passed two bills last year increasing schools access to digital content. But the process wont happen with the click of a mouse warn educators who may be the faction that needs the most convincing.
Some of the headaches that come with computers wont be any cheaper than traditional textbooks said Gail Lowe the state Board of Education chairwoman. You know what a drain the maintenance of hardware is. Its difficult to ensure every district is able to supply the same technological support and access.
The new state laws grant the commissioner of education the authority to select a list of electronic textbooks for districts including open-source content texts that can be downloaded free from the Internet. The laws also allow districts to use their textbook funds to buy electronic material and devices like netbook computers that can access it. That means the state board will have less control of the content.
Lowe who just led a controversial restructuring of the states social studies curriculum is worried that less-thorough regulation will influence quality. My main concern is academic achievement she said adding that the boards traditional textbook process ensures a solid stamp of approval.
The Texas Education Agency will still apply state standards to electronic media said John Lopez the agencys director of instructional materials and educational technology. The commissioner is reviewing material now and will release a list of approved electronic texts in May. The board will have the opportunity to comment on the list before it becomes official.
Up-to-date content
Online content has the potential to create ownership for the student Lopez said because its participatory up-to-date and available 24 hours a day. And its not limiting because teachers have the option of printing out hard copies. The greater concern Lopez said is figuring out how to persuade districts to make the switch.
Were still taking a dozen steps to a thousand-step process he said.
The agency has budgeted more than $800 million for textbooks in 2010-11 but its not clear how much of the money districts will use on digital materials. Many schools simply dont know the extent of whats available Lopez said.
Dallas ISD officials say they have no plans yet to use online textbooks in their classrooms. Virginia Cotten McKinney ISDs assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction said her district supports technological development but is in an exploratory position when it comes to incorporating digital materials into curriculum.
Jim Hirsch Plano ISDs associate superintendent for academic and technology services said that district will make its first large foray into electronic textbooks next year by giving secondary students online access to English language arts texts.
Irving ISD which has provided laptops to all high school students for almost a decade is one of the strongest advocates for online textbooks. But even the regions technological vanguard is hesitant about the transition.
One of the greatest perks to electronic textbooks is supposed to be a lower purchase price said Alice Owen the Irving districts director of technology. But publishers arent providing cheaper electronic replacements.
Its not working exactly as we thought Owen said. Paper textbooks cost the district $425 annually per student she said. A big chunk of textbooks is going to paper and printing that could be savings.
Free via Internet
An alternative may be the burgeoning open-source option which the Legislature also approved for review.
People have gotten used to getting content given to them in a nice package 40 minutes this 40 minutes that said Neeru Khosla who runs California-based CK-12 one of the first nonprofits to provide free customized digital content to schools via the Internet. Students today have different learning styles. Theres no reason why we have to have a fixed image in our mind.
Several states have jumped at this less-traditional content often put together by college professors. Virginia was one of the first to approve open-source textbooks. And a California committee is now reviewing open-source material at the governors behest.
This is really a revolution that has been going on for a while said Brian Bridges the director of the California Resource Learning Network and one of the states online text reviewers. Money saved by these free options could go toward the purchase of computers for students who need them he said.
That still doesnt answer the question of accountability said Jay Diskey executive director of the Association of American Publishers school division. Sometimes what you get for free doesnt have the same quality.
Textbook publishers arent naive about the power of the Internet Diskey said. Major publishers like Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Pearson already provide interactive content that enhances texts. But the overloaded backpack isnt disappearing quite yet.
Were moving into a different era here but I dont foresee that the printed book is going to die one day in K-12.