By Congressman Joe Barton
Published: 09-24-07
Published: 09-24-07

Their testimonies come as Democrat leaders continue their efforts to paint a grim picture of the situation in Iraq focusing solely on the problems rather than positive solutions. Since becoming the majority party in January they have repeatedly tried to undermine our efforts in the Middle East by seeking to remove our troops or cut off funding for the effort.
While their solution is to simply throw up their hands and cede defeat the message we hear from those actually on the ground in Iraq is that doing so would be detrimental both to the Iraqi people and to our security in the United States.
In his testimony General Petraeus gave an accurate report on the current situation in Iraq. He particularly focused on the progress being made as a result of January’s troop surge. For example overall improvised explosive device (IED) attacks have declined by about 1/3 since June. Civilian deaths in Iraq have declined by 45 since the surge with the decline in Baghdad even more significant at 70. As violence decreases and Iraqi forces continue to develop and take on more responsibility for their own security General Petreaus predicted that by next July we will be able to reduce our troop levels in Iraq to the pre-surge level.
On the subject of Al Qaeda General Petraeus reported that “Coalition and Iraqi forces have dealt significant blows to Al Qaeda-Iraq.” He noted that over the past eight months forces have “considerably reduced the areas in which Al Qaeda enjoyed sanctuary” and “detained the senior Iraqi leader of Al Qaeda-Iraq and killed or captured nearly 100 other key leaders and some 2500 rank-and-file fighters.” Even more encouraging over the past six months tribes and local citizens are increasingly rejecting Al Qaeda and other extremist groups.
The day after General Petraeus gave his report to Congress we as a nation were reminded why we must remain vigilant in the war against terror and Al Qaeda. The sixth anniversary of the September 11 2001 attacks that took the lives of nearly 3000 innocent Americans highlighted the need to continue our efforts against the extremist groups that seek to do us harm. While thankfully it has been six years since a major attack has occurred on U.S. soil that doesn’t mean the terrorists no longer seek to destroy our way of life.
One of the primary ways we can quash terrorist organizations is through the creation of a stable Middle East. And unless we achieve our objectives in Iraq we’ll be hard pressed to see any sort of stability in the region. Neighboring Iran whose president has expressed his hatred for the United States and Israel continues to try and wield its influence over Iraq.
In his testimony Ambassador Crocker said that “The Iranian President has already announced that Iran will fill any vacuum in Iraq” and that the gains we have made against Al Qaeda and extremist groups “could easily evaporate and they could establish strongholds to be used as safehavens for regional and international operations.”
The War in Iraq has not been and will not be easy or pleasant. Many brave soldiers have lost their lives fighting against extremists who desire our destruction. We have taken the fight to the terrorists and by doing so are working toward a safer America. If we give up and throw in the towel we will leave ourselves vulnerable while abandoning our friends in Iraq who yearn for a free society. As Ambassador Crocker said “Our current course is hard. The alternatives are far worse.”