Museum Thanks Rep. Gonzales for Helping Bring Free Admission

Published: 07-08-08

width=65MCALLEN— Rep. Veronica Gonzales Hidalgo County Judge JD Salinas and City of McAllen Mayor Richard Cortez joined the International Museum of Art & Science (IMAS) Executive Director  Serena Rosenkrantz and Board President Dr. John Gerling to announce the  return of the free general admission program.

The free admission program is made possible through legislation Rep. Gonzales authored in the 80th Legislature which allowed Hidalgo County Judge J.D. Salinas III and the County Commissioners’ Court to appropriate funding to IMAS.

IMAS is very grateful for this contribution being made by the Honorable J.D. Salinas and our Hidalgo County Commissioners as well as for all of the help we received from our State Representative Veronica Gonzales for authoring HB 2796 to make this program possible said IMAS Executive Director Serena Rosenkrantz.

No child in our community regardless of their economic status should lack access to visit and learn from the International Museum of Art and Science. I am proud to have passed HB 2796 making it possible for Hidalgo County to appropriate $50000 to IMAS said Representative Veronica Gonzales. This is a great example of our local community and state government working together in an effort to benefit our residents.

The free general admission program takes place every Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. for the next twelve months beginning this Sunday July 6. Complimentary general museum admission is available to all visitors. The museum continues to seek support from other local surrounding municipalities toward expanding these hours year after year. For more information about this program please contact Serena Rosenkrantz IMAS Executive Director at (956) 682-1564.

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