Published: 02-20-09

AUSTIN- Today State Representative Wayne Christian (R-Center) honored Mr. Harold Fickett in the Chamber of the Texas House of Representatives for his literary accomplishments and contributions to the Nacogdoches community.
His wife Karen and children Will and Eve joined him on the Speakers dais for the presentation and the adoption of House Resolution 447 by the House as a part of Nacogdoches Day at the Capitol.
Over the course of his career Mr. Fickett has contributed significant literary works and provoking ideas to our culture and it is my honor to recognize his work in the Texas House. As an esteemed author he has collaborated with Charles Colson on a number of books while also enriching Christian literature through his own manuscripts and periodic articles Rep. Christian stated.
Fickett has authored both fiction and nonfiction works including Mrs. Sundays Problem and Other Short Stories The Holy Fool Flannery OConnor: Images of Grace and The Living Christ.
In addition to writing full-time Fickett volunteers his time at Regents Academy by serving as chair of the board and by teaching the capstone humanities course to seniors. Previously Fickett taught at Wheaton College St. Johns Seminary College Friends University and Kansas Newman College (KNC). While at KNC he established a postgraduate fellows program and established the Glen Workshop an annual writing conference.
In our fast-paced world it is refreshing to observe someone who makes significant efforts to impact society in a positive way-- both professionally and through community involvement. We are fortunate to have Mr. Fickett as a resident of Nacogdoches and as a leader whose influence spans the globe commented Rep. Christian.
Rep. Christian also recognized members of the Nacogdoches Chamber of Commerce and Leadership class who were seated in the gallery.