Lauer omits D next to McGreevey during gay affair labels Sanford a Republican
By Geoffrey Dickens & Kyle Drennen Media Research Center

In a 2008 study of eveningĀ & morning network newscasts following the Spitzer scandal NewsBusters found that within the first week of coverage Spitzer was identified as a Democrat only 20 of the time. However within the first 24 hours of Gov. Sanfords confession he was identified as a Republican 100 of the time during coverage on all the networks.
In the wake of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanfords admission to having an affair evening and morning newscasts on NBC CBS and ABC all immediately identified him as a Republican. In contrast in March of last year the networks rarely identified disgraced New York Governor Eliot Spitzer as a Democrat in the wake of his affair with a prostitute.
On Wednesday the NBC Nightly News which failed to give Spitzers party affiliation for three days following his scandal immediately focused on Sanfords national role in the Republican Party as anchor Brian Williams declared:
In a Republican Party hungry for young stars he was one of them: Mark Sanford the governor of South Carolina...Tonight his political career is in tatters. His state his party are in some turmoil. And Mark Sanford is no longer being mentioned as a possible GOP nominee for the White House.
On the CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric similarly exclaimed:
Tonight a rising Republican star caught up in scandal. The missing Governor of South Carolina returns with a tearful tale of a foreign affair.
Anchor Charles Gibson on ABCs World News was no exception using almost the same language as Couric:
Governor Mark Sanford a rising star in the Republican Party considered a presidential candidate by some came clean today about where he went and why.
The emphasis on Sanfords Republican ties continued on the Thursday network morning shows with
NBC Today host Matt Lauer opening the show:
And this morning the political future of South Carolinas governor Mark Sanford a once-rising star in the Republican Party is very much in doubt.

Later in the show Lauer actually got reaction to the Sanford scandal from disgraced New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey whom he failed to identify as a Democrat.
On the CBS Early Show correspondent Kelly Cobiella reported:
Sanford a rising star in the Republican Party also likely hurt his chances at higher office. Not only admitting to an affair but to misleading the public and his own staff about his disappearance.
ABCs Diane Sawyer opened Good Morning America by declaring:
What was going on in the mind of South Carolinas governor? A onetime presidential hopeful for the Republican Party. Will he be forced to resign. And who is the mystery woman in Argentina who drove him to risk it all? We are live from South Carolina to Buenos Aires.
Lauer Omits D Next to McGreevey Labels Sanford a Republican
NBCs Matt Lauer at the top of Thursdays Today show was careful to note the party affiliation of Mark Sanford as he announced:
The political future of South Carolinas governor Mark Sanford a once-rising star in the Republican Party is very much in doubt.
However when he invited on former Democratic New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey who resigned after admitting an affair with a gay man who he appointed to office to discuss the story he never mentioned McGreevey was a Democrat.
After a set-up piece by Mark Potter Lauer interviewed McGreevey and asked him the ex-governor:
If it comes out that the governor used taxpayer money to go to Argentina on one or more occasions does that complicate the issue? And and would that make it more difficult for him to survive in office?
Interestingly Lauer failed to mention the fact that this was one of the reasons that forced McGreevey to step down.
The following are the relevant teasers and then full segment as they were aired on the June 25 Today show:
MEREDITH VIEIRA: Good morning intimate exchange. Hours after his tearful confession emails surface detailing the affair between South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford and his mistress in Argentina. This morning an exclusive interview with someone who knows all about being caught in a sex scandal former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey.
MATT LAUER: And this morning the political future of South Carolinas governor Mark Sanford a once-rising star in the Republican Party is very much in doubt.
VIEIRA: As if his words at that news conference where he admitted the affair werent enough just hours later some steamy emails surfaced between Governor Sanford and his Argentinean mistress. But despite it all his spokesperson says the governor has no plans to step down. Much more on the absolutely bizarre chain of events of the past few days in just a moment.
VIEIRA: But first lets begin with that shocking sex scandal involving South Carolinas governor and the unusual way that the affair came to light. NBCs Mark Potter is in Columbia South Carolina with the latest. Good morning Mark.
On screen headline: Scandal In South Carolina AWOL Governor Admits To Affair
MARK POTTER: And good morning to you Meredith. Not everyone here believed that original story that the governor was hiking along the Appalachian Trail. But when they heard his version of why he was actually in Argentina many here were stunned.
GOV. MARK SANFORD: What I have found in this job is that one desperately needs a break from the public.
POTTER: The mystery finally came to an end when Governor Mark Sanford went public and confessed that his story-
SANFORD: I love the Appalachian Trail.
POTTER: -and his life.
SANFORD: Its gonna hurt and well let the chips fall where they may.
POTTER: -had been a lie.
SANFORD: The bottom line is this Ive Ive been unfaithful to my wife. I developed a relationship with a what started out as a dear dear friend from Argentina. It began very innocently as I suspect many of these things do.
POTTER: Although his staff had said Sanford was away hiking the Appalachian Trail he actually was in Buenos Aires Argentina. He said he had lied to his aides and apologized to them his four sons his wife and the woman in Argentina.
SANFORD: I hurt her. I hurt you all. I hurt my wife. I hurt my boys. I hurt friends like Tom Davis. I heard a lot of different folks. And all I can say is that I apologize.
POTTER: Sanford said he met the woman eight years ago. The relationship deepened a year ago. And was discovered by his wife Jenny five months ago. He said he was trying to work things out with his family.
SANFORD: I spent the last five days crying in Argentina.
POTTER: In the most emotional part of the news conference he thanked a friend of the family.
SANFORD: Hang hang hang on. An incredibly dear friend. And he is been helping us work through this over these last five months. And Cubby I want to say thank you for being there as a friend.
OFF-SCREEN VOICE: Are you separated from the First Lady?
SANFORD: I dont know how you want to define that. I mean Im here and shes there. I guess in a formal sense were not.
POTTER: After the news conference his wife handed out a statement of her own saying shed asked the governor to leave the house two weeks ago but would try to forgive him now. As for the trip itself Sanford had left his car last week at the Columbia South Carolina airport filled with hiking and camping gear. But when confronted by a reporter Wednesday morning after returning to the Atlanta airport he still lied about the trip.
GINA SMITH THE STATE: His response was well he had originally intended to hike the Appalachian Trail but had changed his mind last minute and decided to go someplace more exotic.
POTTER: But hours later before the cameras he came clean.
SANFORD: I would simply say I go back to that simple word of asking for forgiveness.
POTTER: Now late yesterday some emails were published reportedly between the governor and the woman in Argentina one from the governor last year said quote Please sleep soundly knowing that despite the best efforts of my head my heart cries out for you. Your voice your body the touch of your lips the touch of your fingertips and an even deeper connection to your soul. The newspaper The State here in Columbia which published them said that the governors office did not dispute the veracity of those emails. Matt?
LAUER: Alright Mark Potter in Columbia South Carolina for us this morning. Mark thank you very much. Former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey saw his political career come to an end after announcing he had an extramarital affair with a man. Hes with us exclusively this morning. Governor good to see you good morning.
JIM MCGREEVEY: Good morning Matt.
LAUER: It was hard too watch Governor Sanford yesterday during his news conference without thinking back five years to when you stood in front of the cameras. I know you didnt watch the news conference but youve read the transcript. What are your thoughts on on what he admitted to?
MCGREEVEY: Well I think its a very human. Its you know Im filled with a sense of pain and anguish for him and for his family. But I think it was a very human moment. And it was very truthful. And sort of to come back the long process of healing and the long process of redemption I think first you have to be truthful with ones self with ones family and with reality as it is not as we would like it to be.
LAUER: When you stood in front of the cameras your wife at the time Dina was by your side. His wife Jenny was not by his side but she did release a statement. She said she still loves her husband shes proud of his accomplishments as a public service servant and then she said this Governor she said:
I believe enduring love is primarily a commitment and an act of will and for a marriage to be successful that commitment must be reciprocal. I believe mark has earned the chance to resurrect our marriage.
Which is amazingly generous given the circumstances. How much impact will the way Jenny Sanford acts over these next days and weeks have on his ability to survive this scandal?
MCGREEVEY: Well Matt Im at a point in my life where I dont want to engage in political prognostication. But I think whats most important now is for the person for the man and for the family. And I think whats essential for me and I dont presume to give judgment or advice to the governor but is is honesty. Second a sense of humility understanding where one is in terms of ones relationship and ones relationship with God. And third also understanding the importance of getting beyond ones self. And that is rededicating for me a sense of service. And a sense of Godliness. I think too often and for me in the political process you begin to think of yourself as master of your own universe and your own set of ethical structures your own sense of decision making. And when I had my crisis I sort of sort of confronted my own moment of truth. It was also ironically perhaps one of the greatest moments of blessing of grace in my life where I sort of corrected course once again.
LAUER: Well but but but but Jim I want I want to go back. Because as a former governor you can also identify with another part of this story. And this is the highest ranking elected official in a state state of South Carolina who leaves his state doesnt tell anyone where hes going. Hes unreachable for five days. Politically and professionally was that a fatal mistake?
MCGREEVEY: Oh I dont know South Carolina as well as as perhaps you do. You know I think ultimately the governor has to decide in his conscience in his within the quiet of his heart whether where he is at. And whether service and service to the citizens of South Carolina is his priority. And for me I think its its that self-examination its that critical reflection. Its not only the apology its not only the amendment but also trying to move forward with humility and seeing you know first is an obligation to to correct the relationship with ones family. And then move forward to service. And also its its its a very difficult process to undertake under the glare of cameras.
LAUER: Just one final question Jim. If it is if it comes out that and this is hypothetical but if it comes out that the governor used taxpayer money to go to Argentina on one or more occasions does that complicate the issue? And and would that make it more difficult for him to survive in office?
MCGREEVEY: Well clearly that would but Matt you know I work with prisoners ex-prisoners every day and Exodus in Harlem and prisoners have the capacity ex-offenders have the capacity to rewrite their stories and give new meaning to their lives. And I would just ask people for a sense of compassion at a very difficult time. And and as a Christian I believe in the power of forgiveness and the ability to transcend ones circumstances as they are now. And so if the governor has for me if youre able to move with a sense of truthfulness if youre able to be humble about ones circumstances.
To to rewrite ones self with ones God I think that gives a capacity to to move beyond these circumstances. And I also believe we all sin. We all fail. Its how we grapple with that failure. How we grapple with that you know sinful nature to be able to move to the next point of our lives. And this isnt something to be ignored. This is something I believe with integrity if the governor embraces it with honesty he can be that much more of a better governor because its admitting his nature understanding the wrong but being able to move past through it with integrity.
LAUER: Former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey. Certainly an interesting perspective. Jim nice to see you. Thank you very much.
MCGREEVEY: Be well. All the best.
LAUER: Thanks.