New House Speaker Straus legislators to be Hosted on Thursday in Weslaco

By David A. Diaz - Legislative Media
Published: 01-21-09

width=64Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus R-San Antonio will be in Weslaco on Thursday January 22 as part of a major legislative tour coordinated by the Rio Grande Valley Partnership according to Rep. Aaron Peña D-Edinburg.

Straus will be joined by dozens of other state lawmakers for the only scheduled visit into Hidalgo County according to the tentative schedule that has been distributed to state senators and representatives by the Rio Grande Valley Partnership. 

The speaker and the legislators will meet for a reception with mayors of Hidalgo County at 7 p.m. at the home of Patti and Larry Dittburner at 2912 S. International Boulevard according to Peña.

Later in the week the legislative delegation will primarily visit key points in Cameron County.

The Rio Grande Valley Partnership is hosting the tour for dozens of legislators from across the state from Thursday January 22 through Sunday January 25.

Straus succeeded former Speaker of the House Tom Craddick R-Midland who did not have the minimum 76 House members pledged to vote for him for reelection. The Speaker of the House who has the power of life and death over all legislation in the House is elected every two years on the first day of the five-month legislative session.

Joe Straus is a good friend and I congratulate him on his unanimous election as our new speaker said Peña. We have been able to succeed in the past because of our willingness to work with members on both sides of the aisle. In these dire economic circumstances and with our state facing a grim budget outlook it becomes so much more important to put aside partisanship and do what is best for the state of Texas. That is why I invited Speaker Straus to join our colleagues in a tour of the Rio Grande Valley.

The Rio Grande Valley Partnership brings a delegation of lawmakers down to South Texas every two years during the start of the regular legislative session but because the region is so large geographically the legislative delegation visits western Hidalgo County and Starr County one session then two years later – as is the case this week – lawmakers cover the eastern portion of the Valley.

Peña said soon after Straus announced he had the votes to be elected Speaker of the House by his fellow state representatives Peña secured a commitment from Straus to join the Valley tour.

Three of the members of the Partnership board of trustees have Edinburg connections: Humberto Garza with Doctors Hospital at Renaissance; J. Humberto Rodríguez with Exquisita Tortillas; and E. Linda Villarreal M.D. P.A. with Memorial Medical Clinic.

The Rio Grande Valley Partnership headquartered in Weslaco for more than 60 years has served as a chamber of commerce for the entire Valley coordinating programs and relationships that advance regional economic development.

The tentative scheduled tour for the legislators according to the Rio Grande Valley Partnership follows:


• 11:30 a.m.   
Legislative delegation will depart the Capitol by bus to Austin/Bergstrom Airport for a flight on Southwest Airlines to Valley International Airport in Harlingen.

• 2:15 p.m.   
Arrive at Valley International Airport.
Welcome Ceremony: Mayor Chris Boswell of Harlingen; Ruthie Ewers Chairwoman Harlingen Area Chamber of Commerce; Crisanne Zamponi executive director Harlingen Area Chamber of Commerce; Nat López president Harlingen Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Michael Browning director of aviation Valley International Airport; and other city county and state dignitaries.
• 3:15 p.m.   
Depart for Texas State Technical College-Harlingen

• 3:30 p.m.   
Arrive at TSTC where the delegation will be welcomed by new president Dr. César Maldonaldo P.E
A briefing will also be delivered by Pat Bubb executive director of Tech Prep of the Rio Grande Valley

• 4:30 p.m.   
Depart for Valley Baptist Medical Center Harlingen. Hosts will be Dan McLean senior vice-president and CEO of Valley Baptist Medical Center Harlingen and Jim Eastham president and CEO of Valley Baptist Health System

• 5:30 p.m.   
Depart for hotel and check in at the Best Western Casa Villa Suites in Harlingen

• 6:45 p.m.   
Leave hotel for an evening of food and fellowship at Summerwinds the home of Larry & Patti Dittburner which will feature a night of interacting with the board of directors of the  Rio Grande Valley Partnership along with area city county and Valley officials.


Breakfast at hotel.
• 8:30 a.m.   
Depart for the Brownsville PUB Desalination Project presentation by Bill Norris of NRS Engineers designer and builder of the plant for the Brownsville PUB. and John Bruciak president of Brownsville Public Utilities Board.
• 9:45 a.m.    
Leave for Cameron Park one of the many colonias in the Rio Grande Valley.

• 10 a.m.   
Arrive at Cameron Park a colonia that the state has appropriated funds to build streets water and sewer lines. The delegation will also visit the section of the colonia that has not been improved to show the difference made in the quality of life for Texas colonia residents when the state invests funds to improve colonia conditions.

• 11 a.m.   
Depart for the University of Texas Brownsville/ Texas Southmost College.

• 11:15 a.m.   
Arrive at the University of Texas Brownsville/Texas Southmost College where the delegation will be met by Dr. Juliet García president of UTB and Tony Zavaletta vice president of external affairs of Texas Southmost College. Lunch will be provided as well as presentations.

• 1:30 p.m.   
Depart for the Port of Brownsville

• 1:45 p.m.   
Arrive at the Port of Brownsville where the delegation will be met by the Eddie Campirano port director who also is a member of the board of directors of the Rio Grande Valley Partnership and the members of the board of directors for the Port of Brownsville for a tour of the port.

• 4 p.m.   
Depart for hotel) to prepare for evening activities.

• 6:45 p.m.   
Depart hotel for Regional Academic Health Center (RAHC) and the South Texas Veterans Healthcare Center with our Speaker of the House for the State of Texas. Hosted by Rep. Eddie Lucio III D-San Benito.

• 7 p.m.   
Arrive at the Regional Academic Health Center (RAHC) and the South Texas Veterans Healthcare Center. Before dinner Leonel Vela M.D. MPH dean of the RAHC and Larry Alva director for the South Texas Veterans Healthcare Center will give provide tours of their facilities.


• 2:30 p.m.    
Depart hotel to International Bridge Systems of Brownsville and Cameron County.

• 3 p.m.   
Arrive at the International Bridge to show part of the Homeland Security Border Wall being built. The delegation will  will be hosted by Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos and Pete Sepulveda Jr. director of the International Bridge.

• 4:30 p.m.   
Depart for South Padre Island

• 5:15 p.m.   
Arrive at South Padre Island.
Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst will be the special guest. Event will be hosted by Bob Pinkerton mayor of South Padre Island Dewey Cashwell city manager of South Padre Island Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. D-Brownsville and Rep. Tara Ybarra Ríos D-South Padre Island.


Breakfast at the hotel.

• 9 a.m.   
Depart for the Port of Harlingen

• 9:15 a.m.   
Arrive at the Port of Harlingen where at least 50 percent of the fuel for the Rio Grande Valley comes in by barge.  The legislative delegation will be met by Port Director Butch Palmer a member of the Rio Grande Valley Partnership board of directors.

• 10:30 a.m.   
Depart for the Marine Military Academy and take a tour of replica of the Iwo Jima Memorial.  The delegation will be hosted by Brig. Gen. Stephen A. Cheney USMC (retired) President of Marine Military Academy and Col. R. Glenn Hill USMC (retired) Superintendent of Marine Military Academy.  Lunch will be hosted following the tour.

• 1 p.m.   
Depart to the Valley International Airport for a direct flight to Austin at 2:40 p.m. Upon arrival at 3:45 p.m. a bus will be waiting to take the delegation to the State Capitol

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