8 in 10 jobs service related; average salary $58000

Washington D.C. - Today the Congressional Services Caucus released a new study by the U.S. Coalition of Services Industries demonstrating the growing number and importance of services jobs to the U.S. economy. Based on data by the Census Bureau the Congressional District Services Jobs Study reports that last year 93 million Americans were employed in private services from insurance to medical to financial paying an average salary of $58000.
Further highlighting the growing importance of the service sector these jobs comprise 80 of the jobs in most congressional districts in the nation. America is the largest and most competitive exporter of services in the world with a trade surplus in 2008 of $161 billion.
U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) a founding co-chair of the bipartisan services caucus said On the eve of the Presidents job summit this study is a powerful reminder that services jobs can help lead America out of its economic downturn. I urge the White House and Congress to commit to opening opportunities to sell American" services throughout the world because we are the best in the world at it."
Brady agrees with President Obamas recent statement that increasing U.S. sales abroad by just one percent would create at least 250000 new U.S. jobs. Brady says the three pending trade agreements with Colombia Panama and South Korea would boost American sales to those countries by more than one percent.
Can we afford to ignore the opportunity to create a quarter of a million good paying new jobs here in America?"
Highlights from the study include:
- The services sector employees over 265000 Americans in the 8th district of Texas accounting for over 74 percent of total employment.
- The majority of the workforce in every Congressional District is employed in services.
- Services employment accounts for nearly 8 out of every 10 jobs in the U.S. workforce.
- 93 million Americans were employed in private services in 2008 paying an average annual wage of $58000.