Newt Gingrich: We need leaders like Michael Williams.

newt-gringrichHaving been a part of the last effort to retake the congressional majority I am convinced we dont have to wait 40 years this time to regain power.  Democrats in Congress offer the same old tired recipe of Democrats past -- big government hand-outs bloated bureaucracy and big-time deficit spending. The kind of change they offer is simply a return to the discarded practices of the pre-Reagan era. Our problem is not that Americans are newly attracted to Democrat ideas but that Republicans simply failed to live up to their own ideas. Let me illustrate my point this way: while conservatives continue to embrace the conservative label liberals have been re-marketing themselves as progressives.  You can call a used car pre-owned all you want but I will be just as worried about the engine going out. We do not need to change our ideas we need to live up to them.  And when I talk about modernizing the Republican brand I mean using tried and true Republicans principles in new ways to solve new problems. The key to building a new Republican Majority is not simply branding Democrat policies as the destructive and discredited ideas of the past…but offering real alternatives that meet Americans where they are. And offering new leaders not bogged down by the old fights of the last decade. We need conservatives willing to engage the Democrats on the field of ideas…willing to speak of a 21st Century conservatism…willing to stand and fight on principle.  We need leaders like Michael Williams. Having been a part of the last effort to retake the congressional majority I am convinced we dont have to wait 40 years this time to regain power.  Democrats in Congress offer the same old tired recipe of Democrats past -- big government hand-outs bloated bureaucracy and big-time deficit spending. The kind of change they offer is simply a return to the discarded practices of the pre-Reagan era. Our problem is not that Americans are newly attracted to Democrat ideas but that Republicans simply failed to live up to their own ideas. Let me illustrate my point this way: while conservatives continue to embrace the conservative label liberals have been re-marketing themselves as progressives.  You can call a used car pre-owned all you want but I will be just as worried about the engine going out. We do not need to change our ideas we need to live up to them.  And when I talk about modernizing the Republican brand I mean using tried and true Republicans principles in new ways to solve new problems. The key to building a new Republican Majority is not simply branding Democrat policies as the destructive and discredited ideas of the past…but offering real alternatives that meet Americans where they are. And offering new leaders not bogged down by the old fights of the last decade. We need conservatives willing to engage the Democrats on the field of ideas…willing to speak of a 21st Century conservatism…willing to stand and fight on principle.  We need leaders like Michael Williams. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison has already announced she will not run for the U.S. Senate again and may resign her seat in just a few months to concentrate on her campaign for governor.  As you can imagine an open senate seat is a rare commodity and people of both parties are kicking the proverbial tires to decide if they want to run. michael-williamsBut no candidate brings the energy the proven conservative ideals and the ability to take the liberals to task while rallying the grassroots of our party like Commissioner Michael Williams.  Will you help send Michael Williams to the U.S. Senate with a contribution of $4800 $2400 or $1000 $500 $250 $100 or $50 right now? As someone who has been elected statewide in Texas three times Michael caught my eye by advocating the right energy policies for Americas future.  Unlike the liberals who want to bring fossil fuel exploration to a grinding halt and worsen the economic crisis Michael wants to expand domestic exploration of both traditional fossil fuels as well as clean renewable sources. With regulatory authority over the oil and gas industry as Railroad Commissioner Michael has strong credentials when it comes to both energy and the environment. For too long our party has ceded issues like the environment to the liberals.  We are reaping the consequences of our own disengagement on the environment education urban renewal and a whole host of issues liberals call their own. Michael Williams would be a true game-changer in Washington.  Not only is he an expert on carbon policy he is an articulate spokesman for reforming education policy. A former Assistant Secretary of Education under President G.H.W. Bush Michael not only knows the importance of investing in technical subject areas like math and science but he stood on the firing line as the lead official who opposed racial preferences in college admissions.  Friends for an African-American to stand up to the liberal advocacy groups on a combustible issue like racial preferences at the age of 37 shows rare courage. But it doesnt stop there.  As a member of the U.S. Department of Justice Michael had a protective detail assigned to him after receiving a death threat for his prosecution of white supremacists in the South. Rare courage has come to define Michael Williams.  And such courage warrants our support. I write to you today to ask for your contribution to Michaels Senate campaign.  He is not exploring this race he is in without reservation.  Will you contribute $4800 $2400 or $1000 $500 $250 $100 or $50 to the Michael Williams Campaign for U.S. Senate today? Imagine the frustration of liberals in Congress debating energy policy with an energy expert environmental policy with a knowledgeable conservationist education policy with an education expert and criminal justice with a courageous former prosecutor at the federal and local level. They wont know what to do with someone who knows more about those issues than them and who makes a conservative case for real reform. As you know I was a foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution.  Conservative Reaganesque principles still work in the 21st Century.  But our party would be wise to refrain from rhetoric that sounds like we are tied to the past and advocate a fresh conservatism that while building on proven conservative principles provides new ideas and new solutions for Americas problems. The Pelosi Congress is already doing its part to break trust with the American People turning a stimulus bill into a pork-laden spending free-for-all. The Democrats seem to think that past Republican spending abuses gives them free license to triple the deficit and mortgage our childrens future to Chinese banks. This is fiscal insanity.  The honeymoon will be over soon and then we will be stuck with an amazing legacy of debt and wasteful spending for which this generation should be completely ashamed. The first shot we can fire in response to the Democrats spending abuse is to send Michael Williams to the United States Senate. Will you help fund the first canon shot into the Democrats firewall?  Their fortress may look like it is made of concrete but just past the outer layer there are large pockets of hot air.  If we fight back with principled candidates like Michael Williams their ivory towers will come crumbling down quickly. So whats it worth to you to prevent billion dollar daily interest payments on the debt?  To prevent tax hikes on the order of $1 trillion?  To elect a conservative who will fight for our values and help us take back the rhetorical turf on the environment energy education and the economy? Is it worth $4800 $2400 or $1000 $500 $250 $100 or $50 to you? Interested but not sure familiar enough with Michael Williams?  Take just ten minutes and watch a portion of his speech to the Republican State Convention in Texas which I also attended. You will be sold thats all it took for me. Lets get to work and bring substantive change to Washington not the sound bite version that is ringing so hollow today.  Lets elect Michael Williams to the U.S. Senate.
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