Next Time Use FedEx

By Ann Coulter width=71The CIA stepped up the search for Osama bin Laden last week after becoming as sick of royal wedding coverage as the rest of us. American intelligence operations located Osama by following his trusted couriers whose names were given up by al-Qaida members during harsh interrogations at CIA black sites under President Bush. Yes the same interrogations endlessly denounced by the entire Democratic Party (save Joe Lieberman) the mainstream media and an especially indignant Jane Mayer in The New Yorker. The most-wanted terrorist in the world was living in a moldy million-dollar mansion in a gated community just outside of Islamabad. It took the CIA five years to figure out the four-digit code to get in. One important missed clue was that Osama was living at 72 Virgins Way. He might still be alive today if only he hadnt borrowed his neighbors shoulder-mounted rocket launcher and never returned it. Our mighty Navy SEALs not only put a bullet through Osamas head but carried off his computers disks and hard drives. So far all theyve revealed is that Osama had multiple Netflix rentals of Rendition In the Valley of Elah Fahrenheit 9/11 and Love Actually. Can you imagine whats on Osamas hard drives? I mean besides the goat pornography. Pants are wetting throughout Pakistans military establishment. The New York Times reports that the raid that killed Osama is being bitterly denounced on Pakistani TV as a breach of that countrys sovereignty. Osama our dear allies say was not a terrorist nor has al-Qaida ever been unfriendly to Pakistan -- unlike the United States which they call an enemy of Pakistan and Muslims. (Also bin Ladens entire video crew is in line at the Islamabad unemployment office today. Thanks Barack.) The one Islamic country that openly cheered our taking out bin Laden is Iraq. According to reports from inside the country TV stations are treating the raid as a great victory for Iraq -- the final battle in a war that was mostly fought by Iraqis on Iraqi soil. They view bin Ladens killing as their own personal triumph in the war against Islamic terrorism. Similarly when there was an explosion of violence throughout the Muslim world in response to some Danish cartoons in 2006 guess which Islamic nation was nothing but placid contentment? Again: our plucky Iraq. (Having U.S. Marines in your midst apparently has some sort of calming influence.) Its great that we got bin Laden but if the last Democratic administration had been doing its job there would have been no Osama bin Laden and no 9/11 attack to begin with. Democratic presidents are always too busy feverishly redistributing wealth at home to devote serious attention to our national interests abroad. Obama gets to reap the rewards of Bush-era terrorism policies -- policies that he his fellow Democrats and Jane Mayer hysterically denounced at the time -- while Reagan and Bush had to deal with the consequences of Carters Iranian policy and Clintons bin Laden policy. According to Michael Scheuer who ran the bin Laden unit at the CIA for many years President Clinton was given eight to 10 chances to kill or capture bin Laden but refused to act despite bin Ladens having publicly declared war on the United States and launched various terrorist attacks against us murdering hundreds of Americans. (If only one of those opportunities had presented itself on the day of Clintons scheduled impeachment instead of Clintons bombing Iraq he might have postponed his problems at home by finally taking out bin Laden.) Clintons CIA director James Woolsey never once met with Clinton in a one-on-one meeting. This is in contrast to Monica Lewinsky who got about a dozen face-to-face -- or face-to-something -- meetings with the president. Thats why Sandy Berger Clintons national security adviser was caught stealing documents from the National Archives during the 9/11 commission hearings. Thats also why Clinton blew a gasket and forced ABC to cancel the DVD release of the docudrama The Path to 9/11 -- based on the commissions report. Bush had to deal with the ticking time bomb of Osama bin Laden left by Bill Clinton. All presidents have had to deal with the ticking time bomb set by Carters passive acceptance of the Iranian revolution in 1979 giving Islamic lunacy its first nation-sponsor. What ticking time bombs are being set around the globe by our current Democratic president? Following the Democratic playbook Obamas overall approach to national security is to pointlessly fling our influence and military around the globe -- in Libya Egypt and Afghanistan -- with no evident national security purpose. Thanks to our feckless president most of the Middle East is rapidly degenerating into a terrorist fever-swamp. The Muslim Brotherhood is emerging as a power broker in Egypt Tunisia Yemen and Libya. Meanwhile the democracy movement in Syria seems likely to end with President Bashar al-Assad gaining a tighter grip on power after hes killed enough of his own people to remind them why hes their president. All of these countries are becoming worse than they were before. (On the plus side Obama is set to announce the SEALs have just found Joe Biden.) But George Bushs legacy -- Iraq will be standing there all on its own the one point of light in a sea of Islamic darkness. And the media will coo about how reassuring it is that we now have a thoughtful president in the White House instead of a cowboy. Ann Coulter is a columnist and author of Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault On America.
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