Published: 02-10-09
This is an avalanche of public opinion and members of Congress ignore it at their own peril." AFP President Tim Phillips
WASHINGTON─ While the US Senate chose to ignore its constituents and vote in favor of a trillion dollars of debt yesterday more than 100000 American taxpayers expected to foot the bill signed Americans for Prosperitys NoStimulus online petition doubling the number in one day and bringing the count over 200000.
There is growing citizen outrage against this spending nightmare and American citizens are not giving up" said
Tim Phillips president of Americans for Prosperity. In fact taxpayers raised their voices louder doubling the number of petitions in one day."
The amended bill will now go back to the House for a vote giving taxpayers more time to examine its contents and voice concern to their legislators. If even one member of Congress changes positions the stimulus compromise will quickly be compromised.
Despite the outcome of this first test vote this bill is far from a done deal" said Phillips. The American people are so angry that they flooded our web site off the Internet as we rushed to add more servers all day yesterday. Millions of people tried to reach the site. This is an avalanche of public opinion and members of Congress ignore it at their own peril."
Peggy Venable AFP Texas director said Texans are outraged and more Texans have signed the petition than any other state.
AFP launched a website and online petition against the Pelosi/Reid/Obama spending package with much success three weeks ago collecting over 200000 signatures to date and receiving national media coverage.
More than 50000 of those petitions were delivered to Senate offices last week during debate on the bill. AFP continues to drive citizens to the NoStimulus petition and urges them to contact their legislators flooding Capitol Hill with overwhelming constituent opposition.
The complete website and online petition can be viewed at
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen leaders committed to advancing every individuals right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and scope of government is the best safeguard to ensuring individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. AFP educates and engages citizens in support of restraining state and federal government growth and returning government to its constitutional limits. For more information visit