Deadline Approaching For Workers in Bexar Harris Jones Kendall Medina and Taylor Counties
Published: 10-23-07
Published: 10-23-07

DUA is available to individuals who:
• worked or were self-employed in or were scheduled to begin work or self-employment
• can no longer work or perform services because of physical damage or destruction to the place of employment as a direct result of the disaster
• establish that the work or self-employment they can no longer perform was their primary source of income
• do not qualify for regular unemployment benefits from any state
• cannot perform work or self-employment because of an injury as a direct result of the disaster or
• who became the breadwinner or major support of a household because of the death of the head of household.
• can no longer work or perform services because of physical damage or destruction to the place of employment as a direct result of the disaster
• establish that the work or self-employment they can no longer perform was their primary source of income
• do not qualify for regular unemployment benefits from any state
• cannot perform work or self-employment because of an injury as a direct result of the disaster or
• who became the breadwinner or major support of a household because of the death of the head of household.
Often business owners who are self-employed are not aware of potential benefits to which they may be entitled. If you are self-employed but have lost all or part of your livelihood as a direct result of Tropical Storm Erin you may well be eligible for benefits. You must provide federal income tax forms (Schedules SE and Schedule C or Schedule F) to receive disaster unemployment benefits.
To file for DUA call the TWC Tele-Center nearest you Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time or call the toll-free number at (800) 939-6631.
To file for DUA call the TWC Tele-Center nearest you Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time or call the toll-free number at (800) 939-6631.
Individuals will need their Social Security number a copy of their most recent federal income tax forms or check stubs and documentation to support they were working or self-employed when the disaster occurred. To receive DUA benefits all required documentation must be submitted within 21 days from the day the DUA application is filed.
Applications filed after Monday November 5 2007 will be considered late unless the individual provides good cause for filing after the deadline. The first possible week of compensation for DUA purposes was the week ending August 25 2007 and last possible week of compensation is the week ending April 5 2008. DUA is available to individuals as long as their unemployment continues to be a result of the disaster.
Additional information is available at Reemployment services are available through Texas Workforce Centers or by accessing for information.
The Texas Workforce Commission is a state agency dedicated to helping Texas employers workers and communities prosper economically. For details on TWC and the programs it offers in unison with its network of local workforce development boards call (512) 463-8556 or visit