More than 800 Texans converged at the Texas Capitol last weekend to counter a pro-ObamaCare event sponsored by a local chapter of Organizing for America - Barack Obamas team of community organizers who try to rally grassroots support for the presidents key initiatives. Organizing For America the Astroturf" arm of the Obama administration called for a rally on the capitol steps in Austin Sunday in support of the current healthcare reform bill. Five people show up to say S se puede!
It was their attempt to counter the protests against that abomination. They were outnumbered 80 to 1 by the mob" a counter protest organized with less than 24 hours notice.
The mob" American now knows thanks to Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and others is the Democrats characterization of ordinary citizens who do not want the government to take control of healthcare.
It is interesting to watch the dynamics play out on this. The Oteam calls grassroots attempts to defeat it a mob" but their own Astroturf" attempts to push it through plain old Americans the care".
The old media can continue to push that line all they want but America isnt buying it.
Hundreds of ObamaCare supporters were expected to attend a rally at 11 a.m. Sunday Aug. 9 at the Texas State Capitol according to a post on the Organizing for America web site. At least 400 supporters signed up to attend the rally before the event page was taken down days before their rally was supposed to happen.
Interestingly Organizing for America web organizers took the event page down after local Austin conservative groups including Americans for Prosperity & others began circulating the events information among their members.
On Sunday somewhere between 800 1000 supporters of a free market solution to the health care issue showed up at the Capitol to protest the Organizing For America event only to find that not a single pro-ObamaCare person could be found on site.
It looks like the Organizing for America folks realized that they are heavily outnumbered on this issue" said Cindy Mallette Grassroots and Communications Coordinator for AFP-Texas.
A majority of Americans are opposed to the plan that is now in Congress and its no wonder why. The bill President Obama is trying to push through would add $1 trillion to the already bloated national debt. Government has been a failure at running Medicare Social Security the U.S. Postal Service and with fixing the nations economy. What makes them think theyll do any different after taking over the health care system?" Mallette asked.
The rally turned into an impromptu Tea Party when local doctors small business owners government workers and other ordinary Americans took turns talking to the crowd through a bull horn about why the proposed health care reform bill in Congress will be bad for the U.S.
Lizzette Scinski suffered an debilitating accident while working for the U.S.
Department of Agriculture in Wyoming. Now unable to work she told rally attendees that she must suffer through a government workmans comp program that denies much-needed treatments and limits her access to doctors:
Lizette Scinski Speaks Out on Healthcare from Americans for Prosperity - TX on Vimeo.
Click here to see Lizzettes speech as well as interviews from other people who attended Sundays impromptu tea party.
The current plan before Congress will ensure that our freedom to choose our doctors our health care plans and our courses of treatment will be taken away and handed over to a government bureaucrat. Its not a made-up fable spread around by fatcats in the insurance industry -- its a fact that President Barack Obama has himself stated that he wants to see take place:
For more information visit Patients United Now. Also be sure to sign the Hands Off My Healthcare pledge by clicking here.