By Tony Perkins

Veterans Day must have come early this year. Yesterday after one of the biggest blunders of his presidency Barack Obama surrendered on his proposal to bill private insurance companies for the care of wounded veterans. Under the plan the men and women who give sacrificially in defense of this nation and the ideals we represent would have been forced to use private resources to cover injuries or disabilities they incurred in the line of duty. Quite frankly as a veteran I was shocked that the President would even admit to having such an idea.
The President says he proposed the plan to save money. In truth $530 million is a drop in the proverbial bucket compared to this administrations $7 trillion spending binge. To me it seems a little too coincidental that the President would take $530 million away from our vets the same week his colleagues are calling for $530 million in new funds for global family planning. Even if the President didnt plan to nickel and dime our vets for the purpose of exporting abortion where else would that money go? To AIG? Or partner benefits for gay federal workers? How about unethical and ineffective stem cell research?
The truth is President Obama wouldnt have saved Americans any money--merely redirected it to fund his radical social agenda. Even members of the Presidents own party challenged the proposal as unconscionable. Thankfully your voice continues to make a difference! Thousands of FRC friends signed on to our petition calling on the President to care for our wounded veterans. Barely one day later the White House backed off from the plan entirely. This just goes to show that values voters can still influence policy. Thanks for standing guard for Americas veterans!