Obama Signs Health Overhaul Bill

CQ Politics obama-pelosiTo the cheers and applause of congressional Democrats who made it happen President Obama signed into law the most comprehensive health care overhaul in decades paving the way for the Senate to start work later Tuesday on follow-up legislation that would modify it. House and Senate Democratic leaders and other lawmakers who guided the measure to enactment were at the White House for the bill-signing ceremony along with a trio of ordinary citizens whose personal stories illuminate the plight of many Americans currently struggling to pay for health care. Also on hand was Vicki Kennedy widow of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy D-Mass. who fought throughout his career to provide universal access to health care. Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy D-R.I. the late senators son and Caroline Kennedy his niece and daughter of President John F. Kennedy were in the packed East Room as well. Jubilant to see a long and difficult legislative battle end in success the Democrats repeatedly interrupted Obama with applause and shouts. Even before he spoke they erupted in one of his favorite campaign chants: Fired up! Ready to go!" Republicans were nowhere to be seen; not a single GOP member voted for the bill when the House cleared it late March 21 by a vote of 219-212. GOP members in both chambers say they will make it a target of their fall campaigns and will fight to repeal the law. The new law is aimed at ensuring that over the next few years roughly 32 million more Americans will be able to obtain health coverage either through subsidized private insurance policies or through Medicaid the joint federal-state health program for the poor. Today after almost a century of trying; today after over a year of debate; today after all the votes have been tallied health insurance reform becomes law in the United States of America. Today!" Obama declared.
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