Obamas Amnesty Memo: Arrogance Run Amok

By Bobby Eberle Obama chose to chat on The View rather than attend the Boy Scouts 100th anniversary celebration.  We have the golf outings while America is at war ... a practice that George W. Bush suspended. Now in the face of growing support for Arizonas illegal immigration law and Americas opposition to amnesty Obama is looking for ways to bypass Congress and grant amnesty himself.   Weve seen example after example since Barack Obama took office of his king complex. And of course weve seen him push through legislation that the country does not want simply because he wants to advance his own socialist agenda. Now we see that his quest to ensure his reelection and a Democrat majority knows no limits. As reported in a story on FoxNews.com a draft memo has surfaced which outlines ways the administration was exploring to legalize swaths of illegal immigrants in the absence of Comprehensive Immigration Reform. The memo describes how to reduce the threat of removal for certain individuals present in the United States without authorization.

Several Republican senators wrote a letter to President Obama regarding the memo and they are waiting for a response. Sen. David Vitter expressed frustration Sunday.

The first letters were in June. We had heard rumors about this sort of activity; no answer. We followed up in July; no answer he told Fox News. Then this 11-page memo has gotten out and its not alleged anymore. Its right there in black and white. So again were reiterating our strong concerns and still no answer.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer whose popularity has soared since taking a stand against illegal immigration told Fox News

If they did something like that I think there would be a huge uprising in America. I dont think the people of America are going to tolerate that.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) was the first to release the draft memo and has been outspoken in his opposition to any efforts by Obama to bypass the legislative process. As noted in a story in The Iowa Independent Grassley has asked the Obama administration for a commitment that the administration has no plans to use either authority (deferred action or parole) to change the current position of a large group of illegal aliens already in the United States and ask that you respond to us about this matter as soon as possible. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs finally spoke on the matter on Friday and guess what he said? He told Fox News The White House doesnt support amnesty and I think people that support comprehensive immigration reform dont support amnesty either. Wow... that was enlightening. Gibbs said that we need to figure out how were going to secure borders. Figure out how? I think we all know HOW to do it... the problem is that the federal government WONT do it. Gibbs blasts Arizona for taking charge and says that the fix must be at the federal level yet the Obama administration wont enforce the existing immigration laws. Now we see Obamas team looking for ways to run around Congress and grant amnesty by Obama decree. That is NOT the American way! Obama may be looking for a simple way to add millions of new Democrat votes since the existing voter pool is fed up with change we can believe in but its not going to work. America is a country of laws and if the federal government wont enforce those law and protect the American people the states will.
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