Obamas Trip to Texas Should Have Included Border Assessment Visit

... it is critical that the Obama Administration do its job. By State Rep. Dr. Charles Doc" Anderson width=71Texas Insider Report: WACO Texas Last Monday President Barack Obama made a rare visit to Texas with a stop in Austin long enough for the President to headline a fundraiser and speak at the University of Texas about his higher education agenda. I just wish the President had taken the time to visit the Texas-Mexico border while he was here in the Lone Star State.   He then traveled to Dallas where he attended yet another fundraiser. From the news reports it appears the President enjoyed his visit to Texas and that at least from a fundraising standpoint it was a successful trip. However his trip to Texas might have provided the President with a unique opportunity to see for himself what is happening on our border with Mexico and why so many Americans say that securing our borders and protecting our citizens from the drug violence crime and human trafficking that is now crossing into the Texas and other border states is their number one concern. Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to travel to El Paso to see firsthand the violence and security threats that are plaguing our border and to observe the resources that the State of Texas ($220 million in the last two legislative sessions) is bringing to the fight to help compensate for the past failures of the Federal width=317Government to address these vital national security concerns. I visited the Unified Command Joint Operations Intelligence Center in El Paso (JOIC)one of six commands along the Texas/Mexican border and Gulf Coast in Operation Border Star. Texas Rangers DPS and Parks and Wildlife officers are working hand-in-hand with US Border Patrol ICE and DEA agents and city and county law enforcement officials. Their mission is to prevent the war being waged in Northern Mexico by the Drug cartels trans-national gangs and potential terrorists from spilling across the border into Texas. I saw first-hand the evidence of the death threats torture car bombings kidnappings assassinations and beheadings that occur almost every day in Mexico. These atrocities are occurring just blocks away from Texas and put our citizens at risk. This extraordinary coordinated effort by the heroic men and women of Texas law enforcement authorized by the Texas Legislature and paid for by Texas taxpayers is helping protect Texas families but it is critical that the Obama Administration do its job and that federal authorities step up their efforts and resources to secure our border. Make no mistake my likeminded colleagues and I in the Texas Legislature will continue to fight and marshal every available resource of State government to help curtail this very real and growing threat to Texas families and communities but Texas cannot and should not have to fight this battle alone. I would like to invite President Obama to make another trip to Texas and encourage him to visit the El Paso JOIC and see for himself what Texas is doing to help deal with this theat. I would ask that he accompany the DPS helicoptwidth=247er team on their surveillance rounds as I did and see for himself the unfinished Border Fence" and read the police reports that prove this threat is real and is already upon our homeland. I understand the Presidents desire to raise campaign dollars in Austin & Dallas but in doing so he traded an opportunity to discard the border race-baiting mindset and instead actually visit the border to fully understand the spillover violence and thereby help protect American families as well as the very sovereignty of this great nation. Please come back to Texas Mr. President.  We have much more for you to see.
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