By John Fund

Why is Barack Obama having trouble getting a health care plan through a Congress dominated by his own party? Partly because the coalition that elected him is an unwieldy blend of the rich and the poor. The two groups view the need for radical surgery on the nations health delivery system quite differently.
Thomas Edsall a correspondent for the New Republic has written a provocative piece on just how different Mr. Obamas majority was last year when compared with previous Democratic victories. In 1976 Jimmy Carter won the White House while carrying voters making less than $30000 (in todays dollars) by 18 points. Fueled by support from young and minority voters Mr. Obama carried that demographic by a whopping 31 points.
But he also carried voters earning over $200000 by six points a first for a Democrat. Where Mr. Obama failed to gain much traction was with middle-income voters which he split with John McCain. In previous elections Democrats had won by carrying a majority of moderate-income voters.
Mr. Edsall calls the Obama coalition a successful alliance of the upscale and the downscale -- wealthy and needy marching hand in hand sharing animosity to George W. Bush and the war in Iraq But he also calls the Obama coalition a fragile one when it comes to economic issues.
The Gallup Poll reports that voters earning under $30000 a year wanted health care reform by a 13-point margin. But those earning over $75000 a year opposed reform by 16 points.
The splits in the Democratic majorities in Congress reflect this tension.
Health-care reform often pits members whose districts and states contain many uninsured people against fellow Democrats from wealthy districts who fear reform will squeeze research hospitals and generous health insurance plans.
Mr. Edsall sees the Democratic Partys income split as having implications for other issues such as the cap and trade climate tax bill. He questions whether a long-term coalition so disproportionately reliant on the far reaches of the income spectrum is sustainable.
And if it isnt?
That leaves only one thing for Democrats to do: redouble their efforts to once again become the party of the middle class.
Obamas coalition was an alliance of the upscale and downscale.