Obamas War On Fox

By Gary Bauer gary-bauerThe Obama White House has been agonizing for weeks over the question of whether or not they should send reinforcements to our troops in Afghanistan. But in the war against Fox News it has been bombs away" and take no prisoners. Virtually every White House official has publicly bashed Fox in recent weeks with nary a word of protest from civil libertarians or self-proclaimed defenders of the freedom of the press. This past weekend the attack reached an even greater level of intimidation. David Axelrod one of the Chicago gang told former Clinton advisor George Stephanopoulos on ABC that the White House doesnt consider Fox News to be a real news organization. Axelrod then warned that ABC and others ought not to treat them" as if they are a news organization. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said essentially the same thing on CNN saying Its not a news organization so much as it has a perspective. …And more importantly is to not have the CNNs and the others in the world basically be led and following Fox…" Here was a powerful government official essentially warning reporters not to cooperate with or follow leads developed by Fox. Why would that be? You didnt hear about Van Jones from any other network. But once the story broke on Fox other media outlets were embarrassed they had missed it. Even the liberal New York Times acknowledged that it was a beat behind on this story." Heres the rub: There are more Van Joneses walking the halls of the White House and the administration is in damage control mode desperately trying to control the media something the Obama machine is very good at. Yesterday Glenn Beck devoted most of his show to exposing White House Communications Director Anita Dunn. You will recall that Dunn identified the Marxist mass murderer Mao Tse Tung as one of her favorite political philosophers." It seems Dunn learned a thing or two about propaganda from Mao as well. Heres a comment she made about how the Obama campaign used video messages to control the media during the election in order to avoid talking to the press: It was a way for us to get our message out without having to actually talk to reporters. Just put that out there and make them write what Plouffe had said as opposed to Plouffe doing an interview with a reporter. …So it was very much we controlled it as opposed to the press controlled it and it did not always make us popular with the press. But we increasingly by the general election very rarely did we communicate to the press anything that we didnt absolutely control." Today there was finally a little push back from reporters. ABCs Jake Tapper confronted White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the fairness of labeling Fox illegitimate. Tapper said Im talking about saying thousands of individuals who work for a media organization do not work for a news organization why is that appropriate for the White House to say?" Gibbs blandly responded Thats our opinion." Good for Tapper. But the silence of all the other guardians of a free press is revealing. Most of them wanted Obama to win last November and they really dont want him to fail now. Exploiting Race Todays Washington Times has a shocking report that provides some additional perspective on the New Black Panther controversy. According to the Times the Obama Justice Department has invalidated the results of a local election in Kinston North Carolina because equal rights for black voters cannot be achieved without the Democratic Party." Like virtually all North Carolina communities Kinston decided to do away with partisan local elections and the vote wasnt close. Blacks make up 63 of registered voters in Kinston and the measure to do away with partisan elections won a majority in seven of the citys nine black-majority voting precincts." According to the Times no one among more than a half-dozen city officials and local residents was able to recall a Republican winning office here." But the Obama Justice Department decided that white Democrats are racists and wont vote for a black candidate unless that candidate is identified on the ballot as a Democrat. Loretta King the Justice Department official who overruled the voters of Kinston North Carolina also made the decision to drop the case against the New Black Panthers. The men were accused of intimidating white voters at a Philadelphia polling location last November. This administration was supposedly going to transcend race. But these are the types of policies that divide Americans by the color of our skin and hurt race relations. The main hope millions of Americans had that Barack Obama would help heal our racial divide has turned to dust.
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