Olson Placed on Three Top Committees

Published: 01-16-09

width=65Washington DC-  In a rare honor for a freshman member of the House of Representatives Congressman Pete Olson (TX-22) today was appointed to three important committees:  the Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure the Committee on Science and Technology and the Committee on Homeland Security.

On the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Olson will play a key role in reauthorizing our federal highway and transit programs. Olson will also help shape the much anticipated FAA reauthorization bill which will modernize the nation’s air traffic control system.

“I look forward to serving on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Transportation is an issue that affects the people of Southeast Texas on a daily basis.  Unfortunately Texas has long been short-changed on our federal transportation funding. 

Currently we only get 92 cents back in highway funding for every dollar of gas tax we send to Washington. Serving on this committee provides a great opportunity to ensure that Texas gets the funding for the vital transportation and infrastructure we need.”

Congressman Olson’s appointment to the Committee on Science and Technology which oversees NASA and federal aerospace research will allow him to continue to champion the interests of the Texas aerospace industry and the Johnson Space Center.  Congressman Olson pledged to ensure that America’s manned space program remains vibrant now and into the future. 

“I am very pleased that Rep. Olson has been tapped to join the Science and Technology Committee in the 111th Congress” said the Committee’s Ranking Member Rep. Ralph Hall (TX-4).  “I am confident that Pete’s aviation experience and enthusiasm for space issues will make him an asset to the Committee as we work to support NASA and promote science and technology to help and protect the American people.  This Committee will be tackling some very pressing issues in the next Congress and I’m happy to have my fellow Texan’s support.”

On the Committee on Homeland Security Congressman Olson will push an agenda to actively counter emerging terror threats; to secure America’s borders; and to remove red tape and bureaucratic delays that slow down efforts to aid victims of natural disasters such as Hurricane Ike.

“I look forward to serving on these important committees” stated Olson. “Whether the issue is freeing up our clogged roadways keeping our borders and ports safe or expanding the frontiers of space I will work hard to reflect the values of my district and the interests of our state and nation.”

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