By Tony Perkins

While the President plows ahead on his agenda with -- or more likely without -- the countrys support he could emerge from these fights with nothing more to show for it than the last Democratic President.
But make no mistake. If he fails to persuade Congress to legislate his extremism this President has other ways to achieve it. Todays hearing in the Senates Armed Service Committee is the perfect example.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates together with Admiral Mike Mullen Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is rolling out a relaxed standard on homosexuality in the military that would strip the law of its teeth while the President tries to overturn it.
To prepare for what they call the eventuality of the Dont Ask Dont Tell repeal the top brass has said it will dramatically shift the process of outing homosexual servicemen.
For starters the military would no longer investigate a soldiers sexuality based on a third party account. In other words only flagrant violators would be ousted -- dramatically cutting down on the number of dismissals.
Also generals and admirals will be the final authorities on which soldiers are discharged after years of processing those decisions in the lower ranks.
In effect the President is saying that he may not be able to overturn the law without Congress but he can stop enforcing it.
Under this administration the new policy seems to be ordering the military to disobey the rule of law -- the very thing theyve been sworn to protect. Richard Black (U.S. Army-Ret.) former chief of the Armys Criminal Law Division explains why thats an irresponsible and potentially dangerous decision.
In todays Washington Times Black paints a horrifying picture of life with homosexual soldiers that would only worsen once gays and lesbians are

empowered to flaunt their sexuality.
... At Fort Sill Okla. in 1991 two homosexual recruits caught a lone soldier showering at night. They violently sodomized the soldier forcing him to submit by strangling him with a bath towel. At the time of trial the victim was hospitalized under psychiatric care...
Recruit training is especially problematic. Male recruits had to physically subdue one homosexual drill instructor at an Army base to keep him from raping a male recruit as that recruit struggled to escape out a second-story window...
At Marine Corps Base Quantico a company gunnery sergeant sexually attacked a young officer candidate who had stayed back at the barracks while his platoon was out training.
The other side drones on about political correctness but says nothing about the safety forfeited to achieve it.
In just a few days more than 30000 of you have signed FRC Actions petition to Congress urging members not to turn the military into a battleground for social engineering.
Please join the fight by sending the link to your family and friends!