On Obamacare: Just Say No

star-parkerBy Star Parker When Barack Obama was sworn in as president he chose the bible that Abraham Lincoln used on which to take the oath of office. A little over a year later as President Obama strong arms House and Senate Democrats to pass a health care bill that will nationalize 17 percent of our economic lives -- a bill that most Americans dont want -- we ought to recall Lincolns famous words at Gettysburg. Dedicating the final resting place for those who fought there Lincoln appealed that we not let up in the struggle for government of the people by the people and for the people. Democrats may soon show if we let them that the American ideal of representative government -- government of a nation in Lincolns words conceived in Liberty -- is lost. Bending rules into a procedural pretzel Democrats will attempt to pass one of the largest government takeovers of private American lives in history without a single Republican vote and against the will of the people Obama will sign it into law. Democrat pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen write in the Washington Post ...a solid majority of Americans oppose the massive health-care reform plan. Pollster.com which reports an average of all polls shows that now for the first time disapproval for President Obama exceeds approval -- 48.8 percent to 47.5 percent. According to Gallup just 21 percent of Americans are satisfied with the direction of the country down 10 points from spring of last year when the Obamahealth care reform push began. And per the latest from the Pew Research Center only 13 percent of Americans view health care as our most important problem. But this isnt about logic. Mr. Obama and his colleagues on Capitol Hill perceive a once in a lifetime opportunity to grasp the holy grail of the left and realize the dream of transforming America into a European style welfare state. Democracy -- what the American people actually want -- is just not going to stand in the way. It isnt just about Republican opposition. Nancy Pelosi must persuade bribe and threaten to get 216 House Democrats to support this despite having 253 sitting House Democrats. Speaking the other day in Missouri Obama mocked Republicans who want to stop this train and begin the process over. But Warren Buffett the legendary investor and one of the nations wealthiest men -- himself a Democrat -- said the same thing in an interview on CNBC. Buffett said we should start over. And he said correctly that the main health care problem is runaway costs and that the bill that the president is pushing unfortunately ... doesnt attack the cost situation that much. Yet in his remarks in Missouri the president said ...let me tell you weve incorporated almost every serious idea from across the political spectrum about how to contain rising health care costs. Theres not an idea out there that we have not worked on that we have not included in this proposal. At the recent White House health care summit Rep. Paul Ryan R-- Wisc. challenged with clarity the massive accounting gimmicks and hallucinatory Pauleconomic assumptions that Democrats have used to present this massive budget busting disaster of a bill as a prudent deficit cutting measure. Ryan speaking for Republicans showed that the 10-year costs are in reality $2.3 trillion rather than under a trillion as claimed. Its all been ignored. In the one laboratory experiment we have -- Massachusetts which enacted a state plan similar to what Democrats want for the nation -- premiums are now the highest in nation and per capital health expenditures are 27 percent higher than the national average. Every freedom-loving American patriot that cares about our future should be on the phone today to their senators and congressmen saying stop. Star Parker is the founder and president of CURE the Coalition for Urban Renewal & Education a 501c3 think tank which explores and promotes market based public policy to fight poverty as well as author of White Ghetto: How Middle Class America Reflects Inner City Decay.
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