Only 24 Days Remaining

From Representative Dan Flynn width=65As your State Representative it is important to me to keep my constituents updated on significant legislative activity. Our Legislature meets 140 days every odd year and there are only 24 days remaining. We are working around the clock to ensure Texas is producing jobs reducing government overregulation and improving education. Last week was a great week for job creation in Texas. We passed H.B. 4765 which increased the small business exemption for the franchise tax. Small businesses are the soul of Texas economy and it was important that the franchise tax burden be removed on small businesses to ensure job creation and protect against undue taxation. H.B. 4765 raises the franchise tax revenue exemption from $300000 to $1000000 annually. This means small businesses with gross receipts of up to $1000000 will now be exempted from the franchise tax allowing these businesses to help the state economy through job creation and spending rather than redistributing that income to the state. There are approximately 230000 small businesses that benefit from this bill. House Republicans further provided market incentives via House Bill 4525 which provides workforce development money for manufacturers that invest at least $200 million in new or expanded facilities in Texas and create at least 300 new full-time permanent jobs in Texas. As the national economy struggles each state is competing with one another for manufacturing jobs. The Texas economy is the strongest in the nation and this bill will support job creation and continued economic strength in Texas. This bill stimulates manufacturing jobs in Texas and maintains our national competitiveness. I am happy to have helped move pass HB 300 which rewrites how TxDOT works.  These particularly amendments which are beneficial to HD 2 were included: • quadrupling the amount TXDOT must distribute to counties for road and bridge repairs; • outright banning the Trans-Texas Corridor; • planning for high-speed rail  in rural Texas. • helping small rural tourist destinations with highway signs As this legislative session comes to a close I am working hard to advance many other issues on your behalf. I assure you as a citizen legislator I am working hard fighting for the ideals we share in House district 2.  Your help and thoughts are always appreciated; please contact me anytime you think I can be of aid.
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