Onward with Obamacare Regardless

charles-krauthammer3By Charles Krauthammer So the yearlong production set to close after Massachusettss devastatingly negative Jan. 19 review saw the curtain raised one last time. Obamacare lives. After 34 speeches three sharp electoral rebukes (Virginia New Jersey and Massachusetts) and a seven-hour seminar the president announced Wednesday his determination to make one last push to pass his health-care reform. The final act was carefully choreographed. The rollout began a week earlier with a couple of shows of bipartisanship: a Feb. 25 Blair House summit with Republicans followed five days later with a few concessions tossed the Republicans way. Show is the operative noun. Among the few Republican suggestions President Obama pretended to incorporate was tort reform. What did he suggest to address the plague of defensive medicine that a Massachusetts Medical Society study showed leads to about 25 percent of doctor referrals tests and procedures being done for no medical reason? A few ridiculously insignificant demonstration projects amounting to one-half of one-hundredth of 1 percent of the cost of his health-care bill. As for the Blair House seminar its theatrical quality was obvious even before it began. The Democrats had already decided to go for a purely partisan bill. Obama signaled precisely that intent at the end of the summit show -- then dramatically spelled it out just six days later in his 35th health-care speech: He is going for the party-line vote. Unfortunately for Democrats that seven-hour televised exercise had the unintended consequence of showing the Republicans to be not only highly informed on the subject but also as even Obama was forced to admit possessed of principled objections -- contradicting the ubiquitous Democratic/media meme that Republican opposition was nothing but nihilistic partisanship. Republicans did so well in fact that in his summation Obama was reduced to suggesting that his health-care reform was indeed popular because when you ask people about individual items (for example eliminating exclusions for preexisting conditions or capping individual out-of-pocket payments) they are in favor. Yet mystifyingly they oppose the whole package. How can that be? Allow me to demystify. Imagine a bill granting every American a free federally delivered ice cream every Sunday morning. Provision 2: steak on Monday also home delivered. Provision 3: a dozen red roses every Tuesday. You get the idea. Would each individual provision be popular in the polls? Of course. However (life is a vale of howevers) suppose these provisions were bundled into a bill that also spelled out how the goodies are to be paid for and managed -- say half a trillion dollars in new taxes half a trillion in Medicare cuts (cuts not to keep Medicare solvent but to pay for the ice cream steak and flowers) 118 new boards and commissions to administer the bounty-giving and government regulation dictating for example how your steak is to be cooked. How do you think this would poll? Perhaps something like 3 to 1 against which is what the latest CNN poll shows is the citizenrys feeling about the current Democratic health-care bills. Late last year Democrats were marveling at how close they were to historic health-care reform noting how much agreement had been achieved among so many factions. The only remaining detail was how to pay for it. Well yes. That has generally been the problem with democratic governance: cost. The disagreeable absence of a free lunch. Which is what drove even strong Obama supporter Warren Buffett to go public with his judgment that the current Senate bill while better than nothing is a failure because the country desperately needs to bend the cost curve down and the bill doesnt do it. Buffetts advice would be to start over and get it right with a bill that says were just going to focus on costs and were not going to dream up 2000 pages of other things. (Disclosure: Buffett is a director of The Washington Post Co.) Obama has chosen differently however. The time for debate is over declared the nations seminar leader in chief. The man who vowed to undo Washingtons devious and wicked ways has directed the Congress to ram Obamacare through by one vote if necessary under the parliamentary device of budget reconciliation. The man who ran as a post-partisan is determined to remake a sixth of the U.S. economy despite the absence of support from a single Republican in either house the first time anything of this size and scope has been enacted by pure party-line vote. Surprised? You can only be disillusioned if you were once illusioned. letters@charleskrauthammer.com
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