Operation Comfort

By Elizabeth Ames Jones
width=65I want to wish you and your family a happy and safe Memorial Day.  As friends and family gather this holiday weekend our brave soldiers sailors marines and airmen and women are engaged in conflict in distant and dangerous places.  For this we owe them an immeasurable debt of gratitude and we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice on Memorial Day. For those injured on the battlefield there is an organization whose mission is to make life a little better as they recover.  Operation Comfort is a non-profit entity headed by Janis Roznowski and it provides injured and recovering military personnel at Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) in San Antonio some of the comforts of home including recreational activities and field trips for injured soldiers and their families.  Last week I had the opportunity to spend some time with some of our wounded warriors back from Afghanistan and Iraq who are recovering at BAMC.  The soldiers and their families were treated to a VIP tour of NASAs Johnson Space Center in Houston where I joined them. Some of NASAs finest American astronauts were able to join the group as we watched the direct feed of last weeks shuttle mission to repair the Hubble Telescope.  It was hard to tell who inspired whom the most.  The wounded warriors or the space pioneers. It was a great day for all and I would like to thank all those at NASA who make this annual trip so meaningful for our heroes and those who love them. I hope you will learn more about Operation Comfort and how you can help by visiting their webpage: www.OperationComfort.org
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