By Mike Baird

CORPUS CHRISTI Folks know the GI Forum name" said Robert Flores event coordinator. But we wanted people to know that we care and have a vision for our veterans and the issues they confront.
Our plan was coming to the birthplace of the GI Forum" he said. All of our leadership has put their best foot forward to the community at large and thats been exciting."
Corpus Christi physician Dr. Hector P. Garcia founded the American GI Forum in 1948 to organize Hispanic World War II veterans who struggled against discrimination when they returned from service.
The 61st annual convention has reinforced the GI Forums quest for better health care educational opportunities and secure employment for all those who served Flores said. The convention ends today with a board of directors meeting.
Guillerma Morales the forums state chairwoman from Fort Worth felt that the convention better educated delegates so that they could better inform their chapter members.
We cant ever be without learning or teaching" Morales said. Thats how we continue to grow as a society."

Coastal Bend native
John Sharp a Texas Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate spoke Saturday to delegates and local dignitaries about his disappointment in both Congress and Texas Republican U.S. senators who have not established a veterans hospital in the Rio Grande Valley. Valley veterans have long wanted a hospital there to avoid five-hour drives to San Antonio the closest hospital currently.
I disagree with those who say its not going to happen" said Sharp a military veteran. There isnt anything more important than preserving the health and dignity of those people who have made the greatest sacrifices in our society our veterans."
Youth and women leaders expressed their visions for the future based on personal experiences and took action.
We adopted a resolution to take a stand on racial profiling" said Morales. She talked about getting dirty looks for speaking Spanish in public.
This was brought to the floor because of police profiling in Houston but its happening in schools hotels restaurants and at peoples jobs" said Morales a former school administrator. Its horrifying that its tolerated in todays society."
American GI Forum of the United States national convention election
Among many elected officers the national convention attendees choose three national leaders.
- National commander: Francisco Ivarra of Seattle Wash.
- National chairwoman: Patsy Vazquez-Contes of Pueblo Colo.
- National youth chair: Librado Herrera of Detroit Mich.
Many resolutions were passed Saturday including an endorsement of Air Force Ret. Lt. Col. Lawrence Romo of San Antonio as director of the U.S. Selective Service.