Organizing for America-Texas Calls on Congress to Support Small Businesses

Organizing(AUSTIN TX) While Texas and the rest of our nation have seen significant progress in the last year President Obama wont stop making investments in our future until every American who wants a job has one.  Organizing for America-Texas applauds President Obamas efforts to support American competitiveness so our small business can compete in the 21st century global economy" said Luke Hayes (OFA-TX) State Director.   In response to the Obama Administrations proposed $30 billion Small Business Lending Fund Hayes today said:  The Small Business Lending Fund is just the most recent example of President Obamas firm commitment to spurring additional job creation through Americas small businesses including tax cuts higher worker salaries and additional loan guarantees.  By making additional funds available to community and smaller banks right here in Texas which generally tend to loan to small businesses the Presidents proposal makes sure these drivers of our economy have the resources necessary to create additional jobs for Americas struggling middle class. Budget Proposals Make Critical Investments to Create Jobs Strengthen Americas Middle Class Hayes also responsed to President Barack Obamas fiscal year 2010 budget proposal saying:  Thanks to the steps taken by the Administration in the past year our economy has moved from recession into recovery. The budget proposed by President Obama ensures we keep America moving in the right direction by making critical investments in jobs and education while curbing government spending in the long-term.  With middle-class families and businesses across Texas and the country continuing to manage through these tough economic times the Presidents budget ensures our nation has the necessary tools for future success with investments in education clean energy infrastructure and innovation.  At the same time the Presidents budget ensures we rein in spending growth so that it never threatens our governments stability or global standing.  OFA-TX applauds the President for continuing to make tough decisions to invest in Americas future."
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