Ortiz Hinojasa & Cuellar Write Sect. of Veterans Affairs

Lawmakers urge Shinseki to visit Rio Grande Valley width=71width=71width=71 WASHINGTON--Today U.S. Reps. Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Texas) Rubn Hinojosa (D-Texas) and Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) sent a letter to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki requesting emergency and inpatient services for Rio Grande Valley Veterans. The Congressman also requested that Secretary Shinseki visit the Rio Grande Valley to meet with Veterans. During the 111th Congress I introduced H.R. 1232 Far South Texas Veterans Medical Center Act of 2009 in the House of Representatives that calls for the construction of a veterans hospital in South Texas" Ortiz said. I will always stand on the side of all veterans on this issue as we work together to build a veterans hospital for our deserving brave men and women. Over the years we have secured a number of services for veterans in South Texas; those include the construction of an outpatient facility in Harlingen as well as agreements for health services through local hospitals. Much more needs to be done; I am well aware of this but weve accomplished great strides in our efforts" he said. The letter is written as follows: width=65Dear Secretary Shinseki We are writing on behalf of the thousands of veterans of Deep South Texas who continue to drive more than 300 miles to receive VA inpatient care. These veterans proudly served their country and they deserve to have the best health care possible. Deep South Texas is one of the fastest growing regions of the country and the migration of retired veterans either permanently or for good portions of the year will continue to significantly contribute to this population explosion. As you know the VA is currently building a new medical facility in Harlingen which will address many of the health issues these veterans face. We appreciate your support for this facility and the speed with which it is being completed. We understand that it will open in early 2011. However the facility will not include inpatient beds or an emergency room. Patients will still have to travel to San Antonio for inpatient services and receive emergency care at local hospitals that often have no understanding of the unique health care needs of these veterans. In this regard we respectfully request that you come to South Texas and hear first- hand from our veterans the difficulties they face. We also urge your support for adding emergency and inpatient services to the medical facility in Harlingen so that the veterans of Deep South Texas will finally have the full hospital that they have been pleading for over the past forty years. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely Signed by: Congressman Rubn Hinojosa Congressman Solomon Ortiz Congressman Henry Cuellar
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