Part 2: Commissioner Michael Williams Cap and Trade Legislation

michaelwilliamsBy Michael Williams Cap and trade" legislation making its way through Congress Earlier today Texas submitted comments to EPAs April 17th endangerment finding" that six greenhouse gases including C02 cause or contribute to global warming. EPAs finding was the first official action taken by the federal government to regulate carbon dioxide and could lead to regulations for almost anything that emits carbon dioxide power plants refineries cars hospitals schools restaurants churches and farms. In November 2008 we submitted comments to the EPA concerning the economic impact of having EPA bureaucrats micromanage the economy in the name of combating global warming. (I will discuss this in a later post but needless to say there is significant evidence from people and entities of diverse political persuasions demonstrating the negative impact on GDP jobs and income of federal GHG regulations.) The decision to regulate carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases was supposedly supported by compelling scientific evidence." EPA administrator Lisa Jackson referred to the very large and comprehensive base of scientific information that has developed over the years through a global consensus process involving numerous scientists from many countries and representing many disciplines. One problem: There is no such consensus.  ·  The assumptions about impact of increased greenhouse gas concentrations on future climate are based on computer models. These models are important research tools. But they cannot and should not be used to predict future climate. ·  In an Open Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations" (December 13 2007) 100 prominent scientists noted In stark contrasts to the often repeated assertion that the science of climate change is settled" significant new peer-reviewed research has cast even more doubt on the hypothesis of dangerous human-caused global warming." ·  In a 255-page 2009 U.S. Senate Minority Report more than 700 international scientists including some current and former UN IPCC scientists who have now rejected the UN IPCC expressed their skepticism of man-made global warming. Note 700 dissenting scientists is more than 13 times the number of UN scientists (52) who authored the much ballyhooed and often referred to UN report. ·  In the Global Warming Petition Project over 31000 American scientists (9000 with PhDs) stated There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide methane or other greenhouse gases will in the foreseeable future cause catastrophic heating of the Earths atmosphere and disruption of the Earths climate. Moreover there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth." ·  According to many scientists and a large body of research such things as the thawing of ice caps sea-level and global temperature changes are better explained by the sukaybailey2ns influence." Williams is currently a statewide elected member of the Texas Railroad Commission which regulates the oil and gas industry in Texas. He is also a candidate for United States Senate preparing to replace Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison as she is expected to run for Governor. Part 1:
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